No Man's Sky Wiki
Raffox97 (discussione | contributi)
(Creata pagina con "→‎Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load.: // default setting to turn tooltips on var tooltipsOn = true; var $tfb; var activeHoverLink = null;...")
Nessun oggetto della modifica
Riga 72: Riga 72:
addOnloadHook(function() {
$(function() {
function() {
function() {
Riga 84: Riga 84:
addOnloadHook(function() {
$(function() {
$('.tabdiv > div').hide();
$('.tabdiv > div').hide();
$('.tabdiv').each(function() {
$('.tabdiv').each(function() {

Versione attuale delle 01:06, 23 mag 2018

/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
// default setting to turn tooltips on
var tooltipsOn = true;

var $tfb;
var activeHoverLink = null;
var tipCache = new Object();

// hides the tooltip
function hideTip() {
  activeHoverLink = null;

// displays the tooltip
function displayTip(e) {

// moves the tooltip
function moveTip(e) {
  $ct = $tfb.not(":empty");
  var newTop = e.clientY + ((e.clientY > ($(window).height()/2)) ? -($ct.innerHeight()+20):20);
  var newLeft = e.clientX + ((e.clientX > ($(window).width()/2)) ? -($ct.innerWidth()+20):20);
  $ct.css({"position":"fixed","top":newTop + "px","left":newLeft + "px"});

// AJAX tooltips
function showTip(e) {
  var $t=$(this);
  activeHoverLink = $t;
  if ($p.hasClass("selflink")==false) {
    var url = "/index.php?title="+$"tt").replace(/ /g,"_").replace(/\?/g,"%3F")+"&action=render .tooltip-content";
    if (tipCache[url] != null) {
    $tfb.load(url,function () {
      if ($t != activeHoverLink) return;
      if ($tfb.html() == "") $tfb.html('<div class="tooltip-content"><b>Error</b><br />This target either has no tooltip<br />or was not intended to have one.</div>');
      tipCache[url] = $tfb.html();

function bindTT() {
  if ($p.hasClass("selflink") == false) {
    $"tt", $p.attr("title").replace(" (page does not exist)","").replace("?","%3F")).hover(showTip,hideTip).mousemove(moveTip);

// check to see if it is active then do it
function ttMouseOver() {
  if (tooltipsOn) {
    $("#bodyContent").append('<div id="tfb" class="htt"></div>');
    $tfb = $("#tfb");
    $("#bodyContent span.ajaxttlink").each(bindTT);


$(function() {
		function() {
			$('.rolloverItem', this).hide();
			$('.rolloverB', this).show();
		function()  {
			$('.rolloverItem', this).hide();
			$('.rolloverA', this).show();

$(function() {
	$('.tabdiv > div').hide();
	$('.tabdiv').each(function() {
		$(this).find('> ul li:first').addClass('active');
		$(this).find('> div:first').show();

	$('.tabdiv > ul li a').each(function() {
		var target = $(this).attr('href');
		$(this).attr('href', ''); // Opera hates real hrefs
		$(this).parent().click(function() {
			$(this).parent().find('> li').removeClass('active');
			$(this).parent().parent().find('> div').hide();
			return false;