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No Man's Sky Wiki
This article was catalogued by the Hyades Travellers Foundation.
HTF Emblem ofic

AGT 101.005.1 HTF Regions is a record of HTF regions in Hyades.

Summary[ | ]

AGT 101.005.1 HTF Regions is a record of regions operated in the Hyades galaxy by the Hyades Travellers Foundation on behalf of the Alliance of Galactic Travellers. It is Section 101.005.1 of the AGT Galactic Archives.

There are 15 regions operated by the foundation.

For AGT operated regions, see AGT 101.005 Regions - Hyades.

Region List[ | ]

Intergalactic Travellers Foundation[]

Calypso  •  Hyades  •  Budullangr  •  Eissentam  •  Rycempler  •  Zavainlani