No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
This article was catalogued by CELAB Galactic Industries.
CELAB Galactic Naming Guidelines
CELAB Galactic Naming Guidelines
Type AGT Galactic Archives
Description Region List
Claimed by CELAB Galactic Industries
Updated Cross-Save

AGT 102 - CELAB Galactic Regions is a record of CELAB Galactic Industries regions.

Summary[ | ]

AGT 102 - CELAB Galactic Regions is a record of regions operated by CELAB Galactic Industries on behalf of the Alliance of Galactic Travellers. It is Section 102 of the AGT Galactic Archives.

There are 27 regions operated by the company.

Region List[ | ]

CELAB Galactic Industries[]


CELAB Galactic Industries

Bases * Explorations * Starfleet * Large Fauna * Fauna * Multi-tools * Starships

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