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This article was catalogued by Alliance of Galactic Travellers.
AGT 301.059 Celestial Bodies - Ploehrliou
AGT 301
Galaxy Ploehrliou
Type AGT Galactic Archives
Description Planet and Moon Directory
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Updated Cross-Save

AGT 301.059 Celestial Bodies - Ploehrliou is Section 301.059 of the AGT Galactic Archives.


AGT 301.059 Celestial Bodies - Ploehrliou is a record of planets and moons in Ploehrliou. The planets and moons are claimed in the name of the Alliance of Galactic Travellers.

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PC PS Xbox ?? Total Cross Platform
0 0 0 0 0 3

Integrated Cross Platform (Post-Expeditions)[]

Planets and moons documented starting with the Expeditions update are in a cross platform specific universe. In general, if it was discovered in a platform specific universe prior to the Expedition era, the earlist discoverer had their name and discovery data applied. However if a planet went thru a significant biome reset (eg. as in Atlas Rises, NEXT and Origins then sometimes the planet discovery status and name was reset. Some of these planets and moons in this table may have replaced those from earlier platform specific universes as a result.

Name Star system Region Galaxy Biome Moon Civilized
Kryes Alpha AGT Far Mission -59 Sea of Gizhigga Ploehrliou Lush Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Noxvillo XIV AGT Far Mission -59 Sea of Gizhigga Ploehrliou Scorched Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Tijordwic Beta AGT Far Mission -59 Sea of Gizhigga Ploehrliou Dead Alliance of Galactic Travellers

Platform Specific (Pre-Expeditions)[]

Planets and moons documented prior to the Expeditions update were in platform specific universes. These are cataloged individually. Some of these planets and moons have been replaced with integrated universe post-Expeditions era versions.


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