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AGT 401.006 Fauna - Felidae
AGT 401
Type AGT Galactic Archives
Description Felidae All Eras
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Updated Cross-Save

AGT 401.006 Fauna - Felidae is a fauna report table.


AGT-Bzoological research

This page provides a complete list of wiki documented Felidae fauna according to a set of filter criteria. The report has the following filter criteria applied:

Genus = Felidae
Star System = similar name match to AGT%
Civilization/Company = Alliance of Galactic Travellers

Fauna Report[]

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Name Height Weight Genus Galaxy Region System Planet Moon Discovered DiscoveredLink Platform Game release
A. Neckpihoccae 1.5 97 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Rayskyv-Obor (PC) Smarguerq Iura (PC) celab99 PC Desolation
A. Pentabeusum 1.5 75.8 Felidae Euclid Fiquencha AGT Cel-Tessolo XI Cel-Tessolo III celab99 PC Living Ship
A. Rockulus 1.5 82.3 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Upsilon Miswo PC Visions
A. Salyviteum 1.2 56.2 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Gamma Cel-Cew Gamma III celab99 PC Visions
A. Stonexbanis 2 97.2 Felidae Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Hemanito (PC) Onchol Sigma (PC) PC NextGen
Aelixur Wiaren 6.20 250 Felidae Euclid Ogtiansk Adjunct AGT Fapoor 42 Temirh Prime PC Pathfinder
Aposettu Adnulate 1.10 75 Felidae Euclid Ogtiansk Adjunct AGT Fapoor 42 Temirh Prime PC Pathfinder
Atigaeum Sais 3.50 150 Felidae Euclid The Arm of Belerik AGT Vytralaw 51 Vytralaw Freesta PC Atlas Rises
B. Festerbaffenosa 3.7 157.4 Felidae Euclid Cagonia Shallows Ruangn-Anov AGT Bior Minor PC Companions
B. Gerricuereum 2.2 129.4 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Mesarthim Cel-Umpandal Tau Origins
B. Mantidcryus 3.9 194.7 Felidae Euclid Exhuan AGT Cel-Sykirk VIII Cel-Sykirk II celab99 PC Living Ship
B. Necrovomica 1.5 83.4 Felidae Euclid Fiquencha AGT Cel-Tessolo XI Cel-Tessolo I Minor celab99 PC Living Ship
Boybliumeum Ziber 3.5 185 Felidae Euclid The Arm of Belerik AGT Korprosun 32 Korprosun Staremir W PC Atlas Rises
C. Caduskeuenum 4.1 176.2 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Uotsag Hilosalka PC Crossplay
C. Equusuvitum 4.0 174.0 Felidae Euclid AGT Cel-Conopolis Cel-Conopolis III PC Desolation
C. Seedpessatima 1.4 74.6 Felidae Euclid Sea of Ayrhodun AGT Cel-Tachimo-Emni Cel-Tachimo II celab99 PC Living Ship
C. Woofhoerosa 3.2 127.9 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Monarch Muchurii Prisms
D. Portbostea 1.5 79.0 Felidae Euclid Naiamel Fringe AGT Cel-Piston Cel-Piston III celab99 PC ExoMech
E. Underadjoreus 1.5 69.9 Felidae Euclid Fiquencha AGT Cel-Tessolo XI Cel-Tessolo II celab99 PC Living Ship
F. Acanipsera 1.5 93.9 Felidae Euclid Gautro Anomaly AGT Cel-Laiyuann Cel-Laiyuann I celab99 PC ExoMech
F. Felinlaxatica 1.6 67.5 Felidae Euclid Aslesc Nebula AGT Cel-Amuran Cel-Amuran III celab99 PC Synthesis
F. Gerrieodeum 1.5 80.4 Felidae Euclid Exhuan AGT Cel-Sykirk VIII Cel-Sykirk II celab99 PC Living Ship
F. Neckliotae 2.3 116.7 Felidae Teyaypilny Przihev Spur AGT Ovdorod-Owa AGT Noyung sumpfmarie Endurance
F. Tyrantalgae 1.6 64.0 Felidae Euclid AGT Cel-Conopolis Cel-Conopolis V celab99 PC Visions
Folchiria Israenap 6 290 Felidae Euclid Dijowendiin Mass AGT Gera Balus Nhogillon Prime PC Pathfinder
G. Ciryptomoia 1.4 69.7 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Epsilon Cel-Cew Epsilon Minor celab99 PC Living Ship
G. Crowxandum 2.4 141.7 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Proxima Centauri Wach 13 CEL Frontiers
G. Ephemohotii 3.8 183.2 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Nexus (Yihelli Quadrant) (PC) Archive:AGT Embassy (Visions) Ellen Stardust PC Living Ship
G. Guloiguarea 4.0 188.9 Felidae Euclid Pohracl Void AGT Cel-Honkontec Cel-Honkontec Prime celab99 PC Synthesis
G. Herbrafoseus 2.5 97.9 Felidae Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Raguelyn Cel-Ogdia PC NextGen
G. Vombafaveum 1.2 40.9 Felidae Euclid Moccoye AGT Nazaifus Cel-Nazaifus I celab99 PC Visions
G. Zeroniectum 1.4 70.7 Felidae Euclid Toyemsut Boundary AGT Cel-Toyemsut Alpha Cel-Toyesmut Alpha V celab99 PC Visions
H. Bluzobilnica 1.1 60.3 Felidae Euclid Dimute AGT Cel-Dim Alpha Cel-Dim Alpha I celab99 PC Visions
H. Lunasecinea 1.3 76.0 Felidae Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT afWings Thagen IV NextGen
H. Swannictum 2.5 118.5 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Lir Kuok 77 CEL Prisms
Hugiar Anbotris 1.4 101 Felidae Euclid Dijowendiin Mass AGT Gera Balus Nhogillon Prime PC Pathfinder
I. Copnubii 1.9 76.2 Felidae Euclid Fiquencha AGT Cel-Tessolo XI Cel-Tessolo I Minor celab99 PC Living Ship
I. Gentguptica 0.9 67.9 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Epsilon Cel-Cew Epsilon I-ES celab99 PC Visions
I. Stemsaecima 1.4 60.9 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Cel-Agutissye Gamma Cel-Agutissye Gamma I celab99 PC Visions
I. Stonguea 0.6 66.1 Felidae Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT afWings Thagen IV NextGen
Iguanid Bispinus 0.8 60 Felidae Euclid Tibambusil AGT Korcombell 3 Korcombell Dryrel PC Atlas Rises
Iguanid Triscallobranchus 0.9 75 Felidae Euclid Tibambusil AGT Korcombell 3 Korcombell Dryrel PC Atlas Rises
Isvadiumeum Imno 1 90 Felidae Euclid Ogtiansk Adjunct Pekennam Iutanghesicy PC Atlas Rises
J. Barkhidagus 1.7 112.8 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Cel-Agutissye Gamma Cel-Agutissye Gamma II celab99 PC Visions
J. Bugmixeum 1.3 112.8 Felidae Euclid Aslesc Nebula AGT Cel-Amuran Cel-Amuran IV celab99 PC Synthesis
J. Coldfeonia 0.7 43.6 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Phi Celab Phi IV PC Visions
J. Nanoclopus 1.6 86.5 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Phi Celab Phi IV PC Visions
J. Nightatoe 4 178.6 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Phi Celab Phi II PC Visions
J. Suckreveum 1.6 99.5 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Alpha Cel-Cew Alpha V celab99 PC Visions
K. Diploledalae 1.2 80.1 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Mu Cel-Cew Mu I celab99 PC Synthesis
K. Mantidcifum 0.7 36.5 Felidae Euclid Lenjund AGT Cel-Amotom X Cel-Amotom I celab99 PC Living Ship
K. Solarkastelii 1.5 69.6 Felidae Euclid Anquer Void AGT Cel-Agreglo XIII Cel-Agreglo I PC Desolation
Keseiarea Iomalb 3.5 160 Felidae Euclid Ogtiansk Adjunct AGT Fapoor 42 Fapoor Femirh PC Pathfinder
L. Doomoseum 1.4 85.4 Felidae Euclid Inetov Expanse AGT Inswichi XIV Stvall Ganei Cuymed Frontiers
L. Protoopoleum 0.9 64.0 Felidae Euclid Anquer Void AGT Cel-Agreglo XIII Cel-Agreglo I PC Living Ship
L. Talosunqus 1.3 69.9 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Faksesjon Cel-Oannosso VII PC Desolation
M. Bearkemodeum 1.6 75.8 Felidae Eissentam Rerhalse AGT Tenessie Etsyalam N28 PC Visions
M. Beetciteae 1.0 65.1 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Alpha Cel-Cew Alpha II celab99 PC Visions
M. Hotnokus 2.7 130.9 Felidae Budullangr Westle Instability AGT Yoharasu BTF Albannon Minor PC NextGen
M. Liverpatae 4.0 179.4 Felidae Euclid Hizhol Conflux AGT Cel-Niyhteik Cel-Niyhteik II celab99 PC Living Ship
M. Mulichluabera 1.4 93.6 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Zeta Cel-Cew Zeta I-AE celab99 PC Visions
N. Heydrotibia 1.4 105.9 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Alpha Cel-Cew Alpha II celab99 PC Visions
N. Lycanpikus 1.3 84.3 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Wallmath IV Cel-Wallmath I celab99 PC ExoMech
N. Ovishalegica 3.2 121.8 Felidae Budullangr Sea of Aptall AGT Mipsestami XV BTF Cel-Kabymoor XV PC NextGen
N. Protoajecis 1.8 85.4 Felidae Euclid Popavlo AGT Cel-Pop Alpha Cel-Pop Alpha I celab99 PC Visions
N. Silverhothera 4 169.3 Felidae Euclid Hajalak Terminus AGT Cel-Arbelough Cel-Arbelough I celab99 PC ExoMech
N. Slasohtwigeum 1.6 70.4 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Epsilon Cel-Cew Epsilon I-ES celab99 PC Visions
N. Sugdoagelea 0.8 87.9 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Theta Cel-Cew Theta I celab99 PC Visions
N. Wailsuasum 1.7 96.6 Felidae Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Reyevka-Rotem New Ruren PC NextGen
Nesvadiustr Adnulate 1 65 Felidae Euclid Ogtiansk Adjunct AGT Fapoor 42 Femirh Prime PC Pathfinder
O. Goldweweum 3.5 190.4 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Arheds-Nuja Archive:Cel-Jessali Tau Crossplay
O. Helavulterii 3.5 183.1 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Ottori-Nieme Cel-Ottori I celab99 PC Living Ship
O. Pollenvatium 1.3 61.7 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Faksesjon Cel-Oannosso VII PC Desolation
P. Bloodbuycaoe 1.2 96.5 Felidae Euclid Hajalak Terminus AGT Cel-Arbelough Cel-Arbelough IV celab99 PC ExoMech
P. Bovinagratium 2.9 127.3 Felidae Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Podnyev-Hea Cel-Hodeucussa Bunk PC NextGen
P. Bugkeangera 2.4 127.3 Felidae Eissentam Metskaud AGT Ghost Negative (PC) AGT Cel-Cius VIII PC Origins
P. Coldtutium 4.1 153.5 Felidae Teyaypilny Przihev Spur AGT Ovdorod-Owa AGT Kema sumpfmarie Endurance
P. Granttaypea 1.2 83.5 Felidae Euclid Dimute AGT Cel-Dim Alpha Cel-Dim Alpha I celab99 PC Visions
P. Homoicseum 1.0 89.5 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Iota Cel-Cew Iota I celab99 PC Visions
Q. Postuvorima 1.6 60.7 Felidae Euclid Wamoep AGT Cel-Hokuchi III Cel-Hokuchi I celab99 PC Visions
Q. Skiphiloeum 1.1 91.9 Felidae Euclid Sea of Mumbwenk AGT Cel-Volodo XIX Cel-Volodo Prime celab99 PC Synthesis
R. Cobaltigosica 1.3 96.8 Felidae Euclid Ehimoso AGT Loveliness Loveliness I-A PC Visions
R. Posthibae 1.7 98.3 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Sigma Celab Sigma III celab99 PC Visions
R. Rooklepheum 1.4 99.0 Felidae Euclid Bimileku Spur AGT Cel-Spudmeister Cel-Yuwadee-Ratt celab99 PC Living Ship
Rireteguliseum Itne 6 250 Felidae Euclid The Arm of Belerik AGT Korprosun 32 Korprosun Frozemir PC Atlas Rises
S. Tamissusarum 2.9 130.2 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Omega Celab Omega I PC Visions
T. Bomuadia 1.2 58.7 Felidae Euclid Lenjund AGT Cel-Daitos-Tak Cel-Daitos III celab99 PC Living Ship
T. Felinbapis 1.4 66.2 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Kim Chi Cayreuma III AGT Ellen Stardust PC ExoMech
T. Panathgantera 1.5 102.7 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Tau Centauri Plebysahe Sigma Frontiers
U. Chromoguuae 2.5 111.7 Felidae Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Ogdank CelRankingl PC NextGen
U. Euusradae 1.4 81.5 Felidae Euclid Cewhea Mass AGT Cel-Cew Zeta Cel-Cew Zeta I-AE PC Visions
Upoissilum Aygethr 0.53 43.09 Felidae Euclid Dijowendiin Mass AGT Gera Balus Achillon Balus PC Pathfinder
Uxtabraumica Tuus 1.25 85 Felidae Euclid The Arm of Belerik AGT Vytralaw 51 Vytralaw Acilow X PC Atlas Rises
V. Aldertivumbea 2.8 117.4 Felidae Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Nabert-Seiy Gaapess XVII PC NextGen
V. Ambyitae 3.2 162.8 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Daniel (Yihelli Quadrant) Leafora Prisms
V. Ephemosemera 1.4 98.8 Felidae Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Censored Belt AGT Wasted Land SethX PC Crossplay
V. Spellhelea 1.5 96.1 Felidae Euclid Darikaw AGT Cel-Axoisa-Ladf XVIII Cel-Axoisa I PC Visions
V. Teleiegii 4.1 206.6 Felidae Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Cel-Agutissye Mu Cel-Agutissye Mu I-A PC Visions
V. Zeroillum 1.8 94.7 Felidae Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Zilovoal Cel-Tilleyb PC NextGen
W. Bloathotosium 1.6 75.3 Felidae Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Tilugachin SCC Opshel F20 PC NextGen


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