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AGT 401.019 Fauna - Reococcyx
AGT 401
Type AGT Galactic Archives
Description Reococcyx All Eras
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Updated Cross-Save

AGT 401.019 Fauna - Reococcyx is a fauna report table.


AGT-Bzoological research

This page provides a complete list of wiki documented Reococcyx fauna according to a set of filter criteria. The report has the following filter criteria applied:

Genus = Reococcyx
Star System = similar name match to AGT%
Civilization/Company = Alliance of Galactic Travellers

Fauna Report[]

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Name Height Weight Genus Galaxy Region System Planet Moon Discovered DiscoveredLink Platform Game release
Aptenisea Poat 0.50 60 Reococcyx Euclid The Arm of Belerik AGT Korprosun 32 Korprosun Staremir W PC Atlas Rises
B. Woofieusum 0.8 61.6 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Bolide Habitat Agyankon Q45 PC Companions
Bioniarenica Anbotris 1.60 1.70 74 - 87 Reococcyx Euclid Dijowendiin Mass AGT Gera Balus Nhogillon Prime PC Pathfinder
C. Talospimica 3.1 112.3 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Camael Eorgonn G18 NextGen
C. Zerorevae 0.8 59.5 Reococcyx Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Phi Celab Phi IV PC Visions
D. Felisoisoe 3.7 197.1 Reococcyx Rycempler Kekersone AGT Enston-Homa RTF Elsove Kesen Bufalo04 PS4 Desolation
E. Ranagasanae 1.2 103.3 Reococcyx Euclid Fiquencha AGT Cel-Tessolo XI Cel-Tessolo I Minor celab99 PC Living Ship
F. Canisledhae 0.8 46.5 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Pandisk-Aita VI Cel-Venu Gamma PC NextGen
G. Crabulpoe 3.4 167.2 Reococcyx Euclid Aslesc Nebula AGT Cel-Amuran Cel-Amuran II celab99 PC Synthesis
G. Sterltaxarii 0.8 72.6 Reococcyx Euclid Exhuan AGT Cel-Sykirk VIII Cel-Sykirk IV celab99 PC Synthesis
H. Haydrobafera 1.5 74.7 Reococcyx Euclid Jagoto Cluster AGT Glorious Purpose Sogdi (AGT Glorious Purpose) Prisms
H. Telebapteum 1.2 49.6 Reococcyx Euclid Moccoye AGT Cel-Moc Alpha Cel-Moc Alpha III celab99 PC Visions
I. Bilukum 1.5 76.9 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Uzziel Zeparialan Ayoro Companions
J. Genteawae 2.7 124.4 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Vonnes (PC) AGT Morlei PC Origins
K. Bomobnoe 1.6 85.4 Reococcyx Euclid Sea of Ayrhodun AGT Cel-Tachimo-Emni Cel-Tachimo I celab99 PC Living Ship
K. Spellauonae 1.0 61.6 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Uzziel Olivia I18 Gailswor Companions
Kumfusimae Idmi 1 70 Reococcyx Euclid The Arm of Belerik AGT Vytralaw 51 Vytralaw Boilireg PC Atlas Rises
L. Chilionjuneus 0.6 41.3 Reococcyx Euclid Agutissye Quadrant AGT Celab Phi Celab Phi II PC Visions
L. Duskroaulea 1.4 103.4 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Viatorem Enjali Tau Lord_Xadan Expeditions
M. Duskoemis 1.4 90.7 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Jules Verne Eruss XVII Scytano Prisms
M. Tetragadalumea 1.5 59.6 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant Archive:AGT Maels Eye (PC) Yuba 18-V2 PC Companions
M. Towerabium 0.7 48.4 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Dumah Azuz Z40 Reenbo NextGen
M. Xenoanlae 2 97.1 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Buqule Uelynun Hizu PC Companions
N. Beechpectae 0.8 68.5 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Vonnes (PC) AGT Morlei PC Origins
O. Equusopia 2.9 159.9 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Jaffa Siren Enedomit Major Frontiers
O. Oestridavae 2.5 121.3 Reococcyx Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Ozheni-Oveni Liysos PC NextGen
P. Dasyrankeus 2.7 155.0 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Yenna Prime Sycorn AGT Cel-Xabord VIII Origins
Petaren Ozethi 1.7 70 Reococcyx Euclid Ogtiansk Adjunct AGT Fapoor 42 Fapoor Femirh PC Pathfinder
Q. Canisbadii 0.9 32.3 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Rayskyv-Obor (PC) Smarguerq Iura (PC) celab99 PC Desolation
Q. Chalkalea 1.8 100.0 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Uzziel Olivia I18 NextGen
Q. Crowehium 3.6 192.8 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Yenna Prime Cel-Plutoni Origins
R. Coropsbissia 2.1 124.1 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Tidal Benat IV Ballejon Frontiers
S. Octouxiium 1.8 87.3 Reococcyx Euclid Ersfel Shallows Onjukuhas Atoyalai Sigma greendroid PC Origins
T. Bestseveus 1.9 117.3 Reococcyx Euclid Inetov Expanse AGT Inswichi XIV Stvall Ganei Cuymed Frontiers
T. Isosuferea 0.3 35.4 Reococcyx Euclid Milland Archive:AGT Gateway (PC) Archive:AGT Migration Arrival (PC) PC NextGen
T. Reguszeynica 1.9 105.9 Reococcyx Euclid Kaleibn Cluster AGT Osbyuth-Wal Cagort Tau Frontiers
V. Protoorangeus 2.6 130.5 Reococcyx Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Viatorem Enjali Tau Lord_Xadan Expeditions
W. Indirideerae 1.7 112.3 Reococcyx Hilbert Dimension Louyen AGT Predel-Nuzon New Ebden PC NextGen

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