No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
This article was catalogued by Alliance of Galactic Travellers.
AGT Rasho
AGT Rasho
Galaxy Euclid
Region Yihelli Quadrant
Colour Yellow
Spectral class G7p
Distance to centre 662,790 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 043D:0072:0D44:0038
System ID 56
Planet(s) 6
Moon(s) 0
Waterworld Yes
Faction Gek
Economy Alchemical
E-Sell 62.4
E-Buy -21.1
Wealth Declining
Conflict level Fractious
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Discovered by Hollowpoint_80
Game Mode Normal
Updated Frontiers

AGT Rasho is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

AGT Rasho is a yellow star system in the No Man's Sky universe. It contains 6 planets. The Gek faction inhabits this system. The system economy is primarily alchemical. The economic conditions are declining.

The star system is estimated to be 3.7 billion years old.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Rashofoi
Current: AGT Rasho

Discovered[ | ]

By explorer Hollowpoint_80 on AGT Stardate 3734.11.9 (11-Sep-2018). There is a claim documented by Alliance of Galactic Travellers. This system is formally part of the AGT.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

The following planets are present in the system:

Starships[ | ]

''No documented starships found at these coordinates.''

Multi-Tools[ | ]

Name Type MT class Slots System Game release
Oxide Tuner Mark XV Pistol B 9 AGT Rasho Frontiers

Location Information[ | ]

It is located in the Yihelli Quadrant region. It is 662,790 light years from the galactic centre of the Euclid galaxy.

Coordinates[ | ]


Portal Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]

AGT Rasho-(FR)-sys-nav

Interstellar Distances[ | ]

Space station[ | ]

The following Trade Commodities are found at the Galactic Trade Terminal:

A Class B-9 slot Oxide Tuner Mark XV Pistol Multi-tool was found at the Space Station.

Additional Info[ | ]

  • Documented based on site surveys during AGT Stardate 3737.26.10: 26-Oct-2021.
  • Survey research contributed by the CELAB Galactic Industries research team.
  • Surveyer on record: celab99
  • The star system was discovered approximately AGT Stardate 3734.11.9 (11-Sep-2018).
  • Documented Base Count: 0

Gallery[ | ]

AGT Galactic Archives[ | ]

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