No Man's Sky Wiki
This section is Fan Fiction. The information found here is not an actual part of the released game, but a user-invented addition to the wiki.


AGT Stardate describes the AGT date calendar system.

Summary[ | ]

The AGT Stardate is a method for translating earth based UTC date/time stamps into AGT interstellar calendar dates known as AGT Stardates, used by the Alliance of Galactic Travellers and a few other related civilizations and companies.

Lore[ | ]

AGT Traveller Bufalo04 discovered a Monolith in the Calypso galaxy with clock-like movement. afWngs travelled to the location and conducted a research study. Upon report publication, the site was determined to be of significant historical value to all Travellers and was the first discovery to be given the title of AGT Galactic Heritage Site.

Method of Conversion[ | ]

The date and time conversion method has been established for AGT Lore by adding 1716 to the year of current date and time.

There is a FIXED format for representation of AGT stardates. It is as follows... note that Stardates must ALWAYS be YYYY.DD.MM.HH.MM format where the time time HH:MM is optional and may be dropped. HH should be represented in military (00-23) numerical format.

As an example, the date of 14-April-2020 with time stamp of 1:03 PM would be represented as AGT Stardate: 3736. It is acceptable to show AGT stardates without the HH.MM timestamp portion.

We invite all AGT Travellers to use the AGT stardate method for all official activities.
