No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
AGT Yihelli Quadrant Micro-colony Initiative
AGT Yihelli Quadrant Micro-colony Initiative
Galaxy Euclid
Region Yihelli Quadrant
Star system AGT Rayskyv-Obor
Planet Apardan IX
Galactic coords 043D:0072:0D44:0039
Portal Glyphs 1239F3545C3E1239F3545C3E
Restricted Yes
Civilized space Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Mode Normal
Updated Frontiers

AGT Yihelli High Security Phantom Colony is a colony.

Summary[ | ]

The AGT Yihelli High Security Phantom Colony is a colony for high security facilities and bases for the Alliance of Galactic Travellers in a Phantom star in the Yihelli Quadrant.

Background[ | ]

On August 18, 2020, Zazariins announced on the groups primary information channel, the Facebook group that the High Security Phantom Star System was to go ahead, and the system and planet had been identified and would be made public shortly.

Each island, each pillar, a sanctuary…. a safe haven.

Deep in Yihelli Quadrant lies the phantom system of Rayskyv-Obor, now known as AGT Rayskyv-Obor. For the last two years we have dwelled in this region, staked our claim and made Yihelli Quadrant our capital and our home. Now with the launch of the Yihelli Phantom Initiative, we begin to dig beneath the surface, explore that which has been hidden in plain sight since we were first born into this simulation.

The AGT High Security Colony is located within this system, perched on the many islands, columns and pillars that pepper the oceans of Apardan IX. It is a beautiful planet, defined by sweeping bubble grass, vibrant illuminated oceans and inclement weather conditions. However the sentinel presence is merciless, unrelenting in its desire to wipe us from the planet surface. And so we huddle in clusters, safety drawn from our numbers. We sit high on sweeping towers, seclude ourselves deep beneath the ocean’s surface. We claim our right to colonise, to inhabit this world, to build a community against the odds.

The AGT High Security Colony is the first project forming part of the Yihelli Phantom Initiative. We welcome all colonists on all platforms. The building remit is simple: aim to build close to the existing community cluster(s) but maintain a respectful 300u-500u minimum from all other base computers. The focus is to be on utilising the rocky islands, columns and stacks – although underwater builds are equally welcome.

We invite all AGT Travellers to arrange passage to our inaugural Phantom Initiative Colony.

Location[ | ]

Initially, access for the system was more challenging for PS4 and Xbox travellers due to the Phantom nature of the star system. Things are easier since Origins with portals now reported as being able to access the system via the correct sequence of Portal Glyphs.

The AGT Rayskyv-Obor system and the focus planet is Apardan IX.

Location Coordinates[ | ]

043D:0072:0D44:0239 ALL

Glyphs[ | ]


Note: Glyphs have been reported to work in a portal since the Origins era.

Build Rules[ | ]

  • Build on the assigned planet at the system identified by coordinates above
  • Limit adornments to a reasonable low number to reduce loading complexity
  • Travellers should build on top of the pillared columns protruding above the planets oceans
  • Travellers should try to build in a cluster area near other travellers pillar bases
  • Travellers should try to maximize use of the theme of this planet as a High Security Star System which features specific strategic asset bases of the AGT. The Traveller is free to create concept ideas for such bases.

Full Text of Original Announcement[ | ]

See announcement on Facebook AGT group

Relationship to AGT Phantom Initiative[ | ]

The colony plan is part of a "broader" AGT Phantom Initiative in the Yihelli Quadrant.

The AGT Phantom Initiative is to develop a greater understanding of fauna, Biomes , flora and other unique aspects of Phantom star systems. It is administered by the AGT Department of Phantom Initiatives.

Accessing a Phantom Star[ | ]

Expeditions Era Note: Travellers have reported the system is reachable now via Portals. The below instructions may no longer be required.

The identified system is a Phantom Star and cannot be reached by conventional travel. It cannot be located on the starmap, nor can it be accessed by normal portal travel. Use of an external Coordinate Plotting App is mandatory for a subset of Travellers to first access the system.

PC Travellers[ | ]

For PC Travellers, the easiest way to access the system is to use No Man's Connect1,2 to edit a save file to change the players location to these coordinates. In No Man's Connect, search for AGT Rayskyv-Obor and then in the search results on the right screen, click the three dots next to Apardan IX select Teleport To and pick a location.

After a Traveller uses the external app to access the system, new Travellers may join that Traveller's game session in order to visit the Phantom star without using an external coordinate plotting app. Those Travellers should be certain to visit the system's Space station in order to lock it into the Discoveries page on their local save. They should ideally also build a base with a Base Teleport Module in order to easily access this system again in the future on their own save..

PS4 Travellers[ | ]

PS4 players will need to join a multi-player game of some Traveller (eg. a PC player, or another PS4/Xbox player that has already joined with a PC player previously) that already has access to the system. Those Travellers should be certain to visit the system's Space station in order to lock it into the Discoveries page on their local save. They should ideally also build a base with a Base Teleport Module in order to easily access this system again in the future on their own save.

XBox Travellers[ | ]

Xbox players will need to join a multi-player game of some Traveller (eg. a PC player, or another PS4/Xbox player that has already joined with a PC player previously) that already has access to the system. Those Travellers should be certain to visit the system's Space station in order to lock it into the Discoveries page on their local save. They should ideally also build a base with a Base Teleport Module in order to easily access this system again in the future on their own save.

Documented Bases[ | ]

Name Builder Builderlink Civilized Game release
Accidental Rob (Apardan IX) Accidental Rob Alliance of Galactic Travellers Desolation
AGT Data Intelligence Protection Center CELAB Galactic Industries Expeditions
AGT Secure Hub - Phantom System Initiative GeckoGT Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
High Security Colony Platform Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
Lighthouse of the Apardan Blade Nukie 000 Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
Secure NipNip and Settlement Overlook Alliance of Galactic Travellers Outlaws
The Archipelago (Apardan IX) patholas86 Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
The Xeno Hunters Lodge Khazidia Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
Tritan King of the Crystal Sea Garden blaisingfire777 Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions

Video[ | ]

AGT Secure Hub - Phantom System Initiative

Related Articles[ | ]

References[ | ]

1. No Man's Connect - Online Location Manager

2. Github for No Man's Connect - Select NoMansConnect.Setup.1.10.1.exe
