No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Visions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 August, 2019.
Abayabun's Folly CO9
Abayabun's Folly CO9
Galaxy Euclid
Region Loeilag Nebula
Star system Adachi-Mach
Type Fighter
Class A
Inventory Large
Slots 37
Discovered by Bhocis
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Release Visions
Class A Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
+47% +18% +0%

Abayabun's Folly CO9 is a starship in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Abayabun's Folly CO9 is a large Fighter-type starship in the No Man's Sky universe.

Location[ | ]

The A-class version of this starship was discovered in the Adachi-Mach system, located in the Loeilag Nebula.

Additional information[ | ]

Abayabun's Folly CO9 is equipped with efficient thrusters to further improve its fuel consumption and enhance exploration.It is also equipped with a phase beam to streamline resource gathering in addition to the basic loadout.

The ship is also equipped with a Fourier De-Limiter and Rocket Launcher.

Portal Glyphs: X047F8E5396BX047F8E5396B

Gallery[ | ]
