No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Interceptor update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 June, 2023.
This article was documented by the Galactic Hub.

Abyssal Ugina XVI
Abyssal Ugina XVI
Galaxy Euclid
Region Widraik
Star system HUB7-1AF Lighthouse
System economy 💀 (Black Market)
Galactic coords 042E:0078:0D56:01AF
Portal glyphs 11AFF9557C2F11AFF9557C2F
Type Fighter
Subtype Jet
Inventory Small
Slots 24-28
Tech Slots 14-19
Cost 4,050,000 - 15,650,000 Units
Claimed by Galactic Hub Project
Discovered by Dragon_Riders_Song
Release Interceptor

Abyssal Ugina XVI is a starship.

Summary[ | ]

Abyssal Ugina XVI is a Fighter-type starship.

This starship has a 5% chance to spawn in S-class.

Appearance[ | ]

Abyssal Ugina XVI is an orange fighter of the jet subtype with chrome accents. It features tie wings and a single thruster.

Stats[ | ]

The following is a table of observed base stat ranges for Fighters.

Stat Type Bonus % Min # Max #
Damage Potential 8-90% 67.8 356.3
Shield Strength 0-38% 165 209.7
Hyperdrive Range 0% 101 101
Agility/Maneuverability 5-45% 350 445
  • Important Note: The maneuverability stat will (almost) always be the same number for a specific model of fighter.
  • These are base stats, before taking technology bonuses into account.
  • Core damage is directly proportional to Damage potential.

Location[ | ]

This starship was discovered in the HUB7-1AF Lighthouse star system in the Widraik region (HUB7) of the Galactic Hub.

It can be found at either the Space Station or any Trade Outposts available in the star system.

Additional Information[ | ]

Featured in the Galactic Hub Starship Catalog - Fighter

Gallery[ | ]

Reference Links[ | ]
