No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Origins update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020.

The subject of this article is from a previous version of No Man's Sky and is now considered obsolete.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorised.
Advanced Ion Battery
Advanced Ion Battery
Category Consumable
Type Portable Energy Storage
Total Value 500.0 Units
Used for Building, Charging
Updated Origins

Advanced Ion Battery is a consumable product.

Summary[ | ]

Advanced Ion Battery is a consumable product for the player's Exosuit.

Game description[ | ]

Powerful energy storage unit. Used in a wide variety of defensive and hazard protection systems.

Constructed from Ionised Cobalt and Pure Ferrite, and occasionally found in cylindrical metal containers.

Source[ | ]

Advanced Ion Battery cannot be crafted or refined.

Use[ | ]

Advanced Ion Battery can be used to recharge the following items:


Advanced Ion Battery is not used as an ingredient for crafting.


Advanced Ion Battery is not used as an ingredient for refining using a Refiner.


Advanced Ion Battery is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Release history[ | ]

  • NEXT - This item was added as a product.
  • Visions - Hidden changes: The information panel has an additional icon indicating its purpose.
  • Origins - Removed from the game. Crafting formula was 10 Ionised Cobalt + 20 Pure Ferrite

Gallery[ | ]
