No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Desolation update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 September, 2020.

Advanced Materials is an Economy type.

Summary[ | ]

Advanced Materials systems are represented by a double helix symbol and are seen as purple stars when using the economy filter in the Galactic Map.

Advanced Materials systems supply tradeables to Scientific systems and buy from Trading systems.

Names[ | ]

Advanced Materials systems can have one of the following names:

  • Material Fusion
  • Metal Processing
  • Ore Processing
  • Alchemical

Tradeables[ | ]

The following tradeables, from lowest to highest value, are produced by Advanced Materials systems:

The following tradeables, from lowest to highest value, have high demand in Advanced Materials systems:

Gallery[ | ]
