No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Pathfinder update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 August, 2017.
Ahokohar S19
Ahokohar S19
Galaxy Euclid
Region Upsigriqu Boundary
Star system HUB-BH-V-79 Egningdalv
Galactic coords 0467:0081:0D6B:0079
Pilot Liquidator Gajum
Type Fighter
Inventory Medium
Slots 28
Discovered by hollyworks
Discovery platform PS4
Release Pathfinder
Class Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
+47% +18% +0%

The Ahokohar S19 is a Fighter-type starship in the universe of No Man's Sky.

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This ship is similar in design to the Rasamama S36, the initial ship provided at the beginning of the game. The Rasamama Collectors Club documents discovered ships of this type.

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