No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Living Ship update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 6 April, 2020.
Aizum's Abyssal Pioneer
Aizum's Abyssal Pioneer
Galaxy Euclid
Region Gaquang
Star system Qitand-Exiezh-Ekamb
Planet Oznyayet XVI
Galactic coords 07FA:0081:07F7:0019
Portal glyphs 101902FF8FFB101902FF8FFB
Pilot Navigator Sibildis
Type Fighter
Class A
Slots 38
Tech Slots 12
Claimed by The Qitanian Empire
Discovered by intothedoor
Discovery platform PS4
Game Mode Normal
Release Living Ship
Class A Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
238.1 201.8 101.0 383.3

Aizum's Abyssal Pioneer is a starship in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Aizum's Abyssal Pioneer is a Fighter-type starship in the No Man's Sky universe.

This ship was found within The Qitanian Empire.

Location[ | ]

No Man's Sky 20200320061334

Aizum's Abyssal Pioneer Fighter stats 38/12

The A-class version of this starship was discovered in the Qitand-Exiezh-Ekamb system, located in the Gaquang.

Location information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Glyphs[ | ]


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