No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Living Ship update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 6 April, 2020.

There are multiple game-release versions of the Alien Lifeforms page.

Alien Lifeforms is an information panel.

Summary[ | ]

Alien Lifeforms is a display page referenced by the Game Content page.

Factions & Standing[ | ]

Alien Synthesis 1

Factions & Standing

  • Standing is a measure of your reputation with alien races and factions.
  • Track your standing on the Milestones page of the options menu (Esc).
  • The Mission Board is the most efficient way of raising standing.
  • Missions reward standing with the system's dominant lifeforms or one of the three guilds: the Merchants Guild, the Explorers Guild and the Mercenaries Guild.
  • Offering gifts to aliens on space stations or planetary outposts is a great way to increase your standing.
  • Different lifeforms prefer different gifts.
  • Higher standing with the Guilds grants access to higher level missions with improved rewards.
  • Hunting and destroying pirate bounties will increase your standing with the system's dominant lifeforms.

The Mission Board[ | ]

Alien Synthesis 2-1

The Mission Board (before)

Alien Synthesis 2

The Mission Board (after)

  • the Mission Board is found in every Space Station. Always check in at the mission board in each station to see what jobs are available.
  • Jobs reward units, nanites, pieces of technology and more.
  • The Mission Board is found near the Trade Terminal an the right hand side of the station.
  • Once complete, missions can be handed in at any station.
  • Multiple mission can be active at once. View them in the Log (Esc).
  • Missions reward Standing with their faction. They are a good way to improve your relationship with the system's dominant lifeforms, or one of the three guilds: the Merchants Guild, the Explorers Guild and the Mercenaries Guild.
  • Higher standing with the Guilds grants access to higher level missions with improved rewards. Visit the Guild Envoy aboard the space station for access to rewards.

Additional Info[ | ]

  • The Mission Board (before) - This is information about The Mission Board before attaching the main task, which is that on space stations you can get tasks similar to those given by The Nexus from the Space Anomaly.
  • The Mission Board (after) - After clicking the Mission Start button, a new mission appears, consisting of visiting the Mission Agent , which will from now on give the player various tasks and missions.

Learning Words[ | ]

Alien Synthesis 3

Learning Words

  • Alien lifeforms encountered on planets and Space Stations speak in a variety of languages, none of which are initially understandable.
  • Words can be deciphered through a variety of means.
  • Automatic Translation Devices allow the realtime translation of a limited number of words. The plans to create translation devices can be learned from the Exosuit Research Specialist aboard the Space Anomaly.
  • Words can be learned via encounters with alien lifeforms. Making friendly requests of lifeforms upon the space station will often result in learning new words permanently.
  • Words may also be learned from ancient relics, such as Plaques, Ruins and Knowledge Stones.
  • Wander planet surfaces and use the Analysis Visor to create Knowledge Stones. larger sites can be found the same way, but can also be spotted from the air or pinpointed via a map from the Space Station Cartographer.

Guilds[ | ]

Alien Synthesis 4


  • As well as the races, the galaxy is home to three large Guilds: the Merchants Guild, the Explorers Guild and the Mercenaries Guild. These guilds span the races, so trade-inclined Vy'keen may join the Gek-dominated Merchant guild, for example.
  • Improve your standing with the Guilds by undertaking missions from the Mission Board on Space Stations.
  • Increasing your standing will allow access to higher-level missions and more valuable rewards.
  • Each Space Station has an Envoy from one of the Guilds. Visit this envoy in each system you visit to collect rewards based on your standing. Track your standing on the Milestones page of the Options Menu.