No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the SentinelUp update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 12 April, 2022.
Alliance of Galactic Travellers Decal
Alliance of Galactic Travellers Decal
Category Base Building
Type Decoration
Updated SentinelUp

Alliance of Galactic Travellers Decal is a base-building component.

Summary[ | ]

Decals are decoration items used in base building. There are a variety of patterns, all with the same blueprint formula.

This decal is a visual representation of the Alliance of Galactic Travellers logo.

Game description[ | ]

Enjali Tau-(EX)-B01-20

Decal in use

An exclusive placeable decal, to add flair and decoration to bases.

This decal represents the Alliance of Galactic Travellers, and the value of nomadic exploration.

Sources[ | ]

Alliance of Galactic Travellers Decal can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

  • SUBSTANCE.FUEL.1 Carbon ×20  →  AgtOfficialLogo Alliance of Galactic Travellers Decal

Blueprint can be purchased for 400 QUICKSILVER from the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion.

Additional Information[ | ]

  • It was made available following its unlocking during the community event mission which completed on 17-Apr-2021 (AGT Stardate 3737.17.4) which was also coincidentally the date of the AGT Fourth Anniversary celebrations.

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

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