No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Outlaws update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 19 July, 2022.
Domanish S84
Domanish S84
Type Fighter
Class C
Inventory Small
Slots 16
Release Release
Class C Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
+5% +0% +0%

Alpha Vector is a starship.

Summary[ | ]

Alpha Vector (promotional name), previously known in-game as Domanish S84 (from launch till NEXT), Tashi's Gambit EF9 (NEXT till Outlaws), and now by Alpha Vector (in-game), is an exclusive starship for players who pre-ordered No Man's Sky on Playstation 4. To claim the ship, go into the Options menu and under Extras select Redeem Bonus Content.

Seed: 0x8E8E2193DD4A9EDA (Thanks to u/Thrippalan)

Description[ | ]

Your starship is your transport to the stars. Give your epic voyage an initial boost with this Alpha Vector attack starship pre-upgraded with lasers for protection and a hyperdrive that allows you to jump to nearby star systems.

Default loadout[ | ]

The Alpha Vector starship has 16 inventory slots and comes equipped with the following technology:

Players can only redeem this ship after playing part of the tutorial. However, players will still need to repair the Launch Thrusters and Pulse Engine before taking off.

See also[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • NEXT - The ship changed name to Tashi's Gambit EF9 (Also thanks to u/Thrippalan).
  • Outlaws - the ship is now green and called Alpha Vector in-game (Thanks to u/ruffyreborn).

External links[ | ]
