No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
Location Terrestrial
Type Genus
Description two long legs, forward-projecting head
Updated Frontiers

Anastomus is a creature genus.

Summary[ | ]

Anastomus is a genus of fauna in No Man's Sky. Generally referred to just as "striders" (the term used by the game code), "bipeds," or sometimes just "dinosaurs," this genus is one of the more "exotic" or "alien."

Appearance[ | ]

Striders are immediately identifiable by their body shape: two long legs (almost always longer than the rest of their body), a head that projects forward from the shoulders at an angle of 45° or less, and usually a tail.

Beyond the shared body pattern, Anastomus species vary considerably in appearance and characteristics. Common themes are insectoid (large eyes, often an exoskeleton/chitin-like outer appearance, etc), "shovel-mouth" (lower jaw extends far beyond upper jaw), and "eyeless," which as you would guess, have no eyes (see main image). While these three themes cover the majority of Anastomus species, they don't necessarily cover them all.

Characteristics[ | ]

Anastomus has only one major variant (all the same "body shape"), although there is a considerable amount of diversity within that variant:

  • Always two dominant legs, sometimes smaller arms/nonfunctional legs/other arm-like appendages, very rarely "tentacles" (see main image).
  • Always a mouth, though the type of mouth varies greatly.
  • Usually a long neck.

Variant Types[ | ]

The following variants of the Anastomus are noted:

  • Mantis / Bug - The bipedal strider creature is mantis-like with claws on short arms.
  • Insectoid - A bipedal strider creature which may feature large eyes and a exoskeleton/chitin-like outer appearance.
  • Insectoid Eyeless - A bipedal strider creature which may feature no eyes and a exoskeleton/chitin-like outer appearance.
  • Shovel-mouth / Bucket Jaw - A bipedal strider creature which features a large lower jaw that extends far beyond upper jaw.
  • Dorito - A bipedal strider creature which features a bone protrusion on a part of its body that resembles a Dorito chip. The GHEC further breaks these down as Full Bag, Head Dorito, Tail Dorito and Broken Doritos.
  • Mushroom Back - A bipedal strider creature which features a bone protrusion on a part of its body that mushroom.
  • Noodles - A bipedal strider creature which features a noodle like appendage anatomy. The GHEC further breaks these down as Full Bowl, Noodle Arms, and Noodle Tail
  • Scimitar - A bipedal strider creature which features a large bone protrusion that resembles a scimitar.
  • Gull - A bipedal strider creature which gull type wings on its torso.
  • Locust - The bipedal strider creature is mantis-like with claws on short arms and also has wings on its backside.
  • Turtlehead - A bipedal strider creature which features a turtle or reptilian like head and no other major subtype characteristics.

Additional information[ | ]

  • The "Anastomus" genus is also an Earth genus which includes species like the Openbill Stork. The shape between Earth Anastomus species and No Man's Sky Anastomus species is similar.
  • They produce the cooking product: Strider Sausage.

Gallery[ | ]

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