No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Echoes update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 February, 2024.
Exceptional Skeleton
Exceptional Skeleton
Category Artifact
Type Ancient Skeleton
Total Value 1,227,996.4 Units
Used for Trading, Trading (High Value)
Updated Echoes

Ancient Skeleton is a type of artifact.

Summary[ | ]

Ancient Skeleton is one of several types of artifacts.

It is a reward from flying through the Grave of the Ocean King space encounter (50%) or destroying the Ironbound Relic space encounter (16%).

Game Description[ | ]

Approximately xxxxx years old, and made from pure gold.

These bones are unlike those of any terrestial creature. The remains of a true deep-space leviathan.

Modifier and value ranges[ | ]

The table shows the modifier and value ranges. There is no correlation between the modifier and the value, both are randomly chosen within their ranges.

Icon Rarity Modifier Modifier with text Base value Total value
PRODUCT.BONES.COMMON Common 250-500 25000-50000 years 50,000 - 110,000 Units 57,500 - 126,500 Units
PRODUCT.BONES.UNCOMMON Uncommon 600-1100 60000-110000 years 200,000 - 650,000 Units 230,000 - 747,500 Units
PRODUCT.BONES.RARE Rare 1400-3000 140000-300000 years 700,000 - 1,700,000 Units 805,000 - 1,955,000 Units

Top 5 List[ | ]

The following items are the most valuable Excavated Bones discovered. If your artifact doesn't qualify for this list, it still should be added to the Artifact Research page for additional scientific study.

To qualify for this list, the following items apply:
  * The value of the artifact must be greater than the 5th item on the list.
  * A screenshot of the information panel need to be added. (Use the Upload file page to upload a screenshot)
  * If you are unsure how to properly edit this page, please add your discovery to the Artifact Research page.

Top 5 - Rare[ | ]

Top 5 - Uncommon[ | ]

Top 5 - Common[ | ]

Name generation[ | ]

The names are procedurally generated with certain terms using the following option: 1. Adjective + Noun.

The sequence is taken from the game file.

Adjective[ | ]

The following list is valid for Common and Uncommon rarities.

  1. Ancient
  2. Charred
  3. Cracked
  4. Chipped
  5. Yellowed
  6. Aged
  7. Grubby
  8. Curious
  9. Crumbling
  10. Timeworn
  11. Peculiar
  12. Intriguing
  13. Worn
  14. Imperfect

The following list is valid for Rare rarity.

  1. Magnificent
  2. Intact
  3. Finely-preserved
  4. Unique
  5. Bizarre
  6. Rare
  7. Exceptional

Noun[ | ]

The following list is valid for Common and Uncommon rarities.

  1. Bones
  2. Bone Fragments
  3. Partial Skeleton
  4. Skeletal Fragments

The following list is valid for Rare rarity.

  1. Skeleton

Additional Information[ | ]

  • The game descriptions and the name generation are extracted from the 4.40 version of NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH.MBIN game file, while the modifier and value ranges are extracted from the 4.40 version of PROCEDURALPRODUCTTABLE.MBIN game file.
  • Artifacts have a DropWeight property as per the game file and each rarity has a different value for it. In case of Excavated Bones: Common → 20, Uncommon → 5, Rare → 1.
  • The modifier values for Ancient Skeletons in the game files are the same as for the Excavated Bones. Even though there is no clear indicator for this, it seems the resulting number is just multiplied by 100 to get the age.

Release History[ | ]
