The subject of this article is from the Beyond update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 27 November, 2019. |
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 27 November, 2019.
Animal Byproduct is a consumable, and specific type of Raw Ingredient.
Summary[ | ]
Though not a distinct category in the Catalogue, they share a unique gathering method and game description, and like Harvested Agricultural Substance, can be farmed.
These are Raw Ingredients that can be gathered from most terrestrial fauna that have been fed with a Creature Pellet.
They can be gathered manually from creatures or by using a Livestock Unit.
Game description[ | ]
An animal byproduct, this nutritious morsel can be easily farmed without harm to the animal that produces it.
Process in a Nutrient Processor to generate edible products.
Harvestable Animal Byproducts[ | ]
- Bone Nuggets - Harvested from Osteofelidae and Protosphaeridae.
- Crab 'Apple' - Harvested from Bos, Bosaquatica and Conokinis.
- Craw Milk - Harvested from Bosoptera, Protocaeli and Rhopalocera.
- Creature Egg - Harvested from Theroma.
- Fiendish Roe - Harvested from Anomalous.
- Foraged Mushrooms - Harvested from Talpidae.
- Fresh Milk - Harvested from Hexungulatis and Ungulatis.
- Giant Egg - Harvested from Rangifae.
- Leopard-Fruit - Harvested from Felidae and Felihex.
- Nourishing Slime - Harvested from Arthropodae.
- Regis Grease - Harvested from Tyranocae.
- Sticky 'Honey' - Harvested from Lok.
- Syrupy Nectar - Harvested from Floradae.
- Tall Eggs - Harvested from Anastomus.
- Warm Proto-Milk - Harvested from Mogara.
- Wild Milk - Harvested from Procavya, Reococcyx and Tetraceris.
Uses[ | ]
They can be consumed straight from the inventory for various Exosuit bonuses, sold, or used as cooking ingredients. Many are base ingredients for some of the most valuable Edible Products.
They can be a farmed, either as an alternative to Harvested Agricultural Substances, or combined with those for even greater profit. Without a functioning Automated Feeder and Livestock Unit, farming animal byproducts requires much more time and oversight than agricultural substances, though.
Additional information[ | ]
Chewy Wires are very similar to Animal Byproducts; They are also a consumable, and can be harvested from robotic creatures (Mechanoceris and Structurae) after feeding them Ion Batteries.
Release History[ | ]
- Beyond - Added as harvestable cooking ingredients, as part of the new creature mechanics.