No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Expeditions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 1 June, 2021.
Apardan IX
Apardan IX
Galaxy Euclid
Region Yihelli Quadrant
Star system AGT Rayskyv-Obor
Moon(s) 0
Galactic coords 043D:0072:0D44:0239
Atmosphere blue
Terrain Continental
Biome Lush - Rainy
Weather Mild Rain
Resources Cu , Pf, Ag, Sb
Sentinels High Security
Flora Rich
Fauna Numerous
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Discovered by Zazariins
Game Mode Normal
Updated Expeditions

Apardan IX is a planet in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Apardan IX is a ringed planet in the AGT Rayskyv-Obor star system of the No Man's Sky universe. This is the host planet for the AGT Yihelli High Security Phantom Colony initiative.

It has planet ID 1 in this system.

Alias names[ | ]

Original: Apardan IX
Current: Apardan IX
PS Legacy Archive:Apardan IX (PS4)

Discovered[ | ]

By explorer zazariins during AGT Stardate 3736.11.8 (11-Aug-2020). It was explored and a claim documented by Alliance of Galactic Travellers. It is in an AGT system.

Historical Discovery Records[ | ]

Platform Naming Era Discoverer Credit Date Discovered Notes
PC Apardan IX (PC) Desolation zazariins 11-Aug-2020
PS Apardan IX (PS4) Desolation zazariins 11-Aug-2020

Planet type[ | ]

This planet biome type is Lush.

The atmosphere in daylight appears blue. The atmosphere composition is 62% Methane, 28% Nitrogen and trace amounts of other elements.

Geology[ | ]

The terrain is mainly flat plains/hilly. It features Continental land masses. This world features large land masses separated by oceans and seas. This planet features rock pillars as Terrain Archetypes. The planet is estimated to be approximately 1.45 billion years old. The geology of the planet is latticed. The primary core element is Cadmium.

Environment Conditions[ | ]

The surface has mild rain weather conditions. The weather conditions are clear.

Environ Temp Radiation Toxicity Notes
Daytime 17.4°C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Night Time 13.5°C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Storm DayTime °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Storm Night Time °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underground Day Time °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underground Night Time °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underwater Day Time 13°C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underwater Night Time 9.9°C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underwater Storm DayTime °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underwater Storm NightTime °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underground Storm DayTime °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox
Underground Storm NightTime °C 0.6 Rad 6 Tox

Moons[ | ]

There are no moons.

Planet Glyphs[ | ]


Documented Bases[ | ]

Name Builder Builderlink Civilized Game release
Accidental Rob (Apardan IX) Accidental Rob Alliance of Galactic Travellers Desolation
AGT Data Intelligence Protection Center CELAB Galactic Industries Expeditions
AGT Secure Hub - Phantom System Initiative GeckoGT Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
High Security Colony Platform Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
Lighthouse of the Apardan Blade Nukie 000 Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
Secure NipNip and Settlement Overlook Alliance of Galactic Travellers Outlaws
The Archipelago (Apardan IX) patholas86 Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
The Xeno Hunters Lodge Khazidia Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions
Tritan King of the Crystal Sea Garden blaisingfire777 Alliance of Galactic Travellers Expeditions

Documented Multi-Tool Sites[ | ]

Name Type MT class Slots Galaxy Region System Planet Moon Game release
Herald of Slyuchi-IX Pistol C 12 Euclid Yihelli Quadrant AGT Rayskyv-Obor Apardan IX Desolation

Notable locations / Waypoints[ | ]

Sequence Latitude Longitude POI Type Area Name Gallery (Y/N) Notes
00 Portal TBD N TBD
01 Colossal Archive TBD N TBD
02 -58.71 -172.36 Trading Post TBD N TBD
03 -49.58 -169.59 Minor Settlement TBD N TBD

Fauna[ | ]

9 species of fauna are currently known to exist. The following table identifies those catalogued (which may include extinct fauna): ''No fauna documented.''<br> Note: Fauna prior to the Origins era are extinct.

Sentinels[ | ]

Sentinel activity is classified as: High Security. An EXTREME aggressive sentinel warning exists.PLANETDATA.SENTINELS

Planetary Resources[ | ]

Primary Resources[ | ]

The following resources can be found here:

Raw Ingredients[ | ]

The following Raw Ingredients can be found here:

Special Items[ | ]

The following can be found here:

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Documentation based on a site survey conducted during AGT Stardate 3737.21.5 (21-May-2021) by a research team from CELAB Galactic Industries.
  • Surveyor on record: celab99
  • Rumoured to house First Spawn relics

Gallery[ | ]

Expeditions Era Survey[ | ]

Desolation Era Survey[ | ]

Notable locations[ | ]

Scenery[ | ]

AGT Galactic Archive Sync[ | ]

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