No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Appearance Modifier
Appearance Modifier
Category Base Building
Type Customise Personal Visuals
Power usage 50 kPs
Updated WorldsOne

Appearance Modifier is a base building product.

Summary[ | ]

Appearance Modifier is a base building product that allows the player to change their avatar.

It can be found at every inhabited space station on the lower level in the back, to the right of the Starship Fabricator Terminal, and at the Space Anomaly on the right wing next to the Egg Sequencer and Iteration: Cronus.

Appearance Modifiers can be built within player bases or within player-owned freighters as Appearance Modifier Rooms

Game Description[ | ]

A buildable module that allows the users to adjust their personal appearance settings.

The module applies advanced holographic techniques to recalibrate the light around the user, allowing them to adopt whatever appearance they desire. Visual data must be properly formated before use.

Crafting[ | ]

Appearance Modifier can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Appearance Modifier can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Customisation[ | ]

The Appearance Modifier screen and its options

The Appearance Modifier screen and its options

Enter the platform and hold E (PC), X (PS4) or Y (Switch) to recalibrate your personal appearance. Appearances are gender-neutral.

Choose a Race[ | ]

You choose one of several presets per race. The race also controls how tall or short you are. Though you can still choose your height, it can be limited. You can customise the preset's body and clothing and colours afterwards.

  • Anomaly - a humanoid astronaut, the helmet anonymises the face.
  • Gek - an alien trader race, short body, amphibian-like face, four fingers, two or four eyes
  • Vy'keen - an alien warrior race, big body, broad chin, often horned
  • Korvax - an alien explorer race, tall body, android face with a helmet
  • Traveller - diverse alien faces, ranging from insect/cat-like, to robotic, light bulb, or tetrahedron.
  • Autophage - Divergent entities disconnected from the convergence, then rebuilt

Customise Body and Clothing[ | ]

For each body property, you choose a type, markings (patterns), and colours.

  • Body Shape
  • Head
  • Torso
  • Armour
  • Gloves (including number of fingers)
  • Legs
  • Boots
  • Backpack

Exclusive Items[ | ]

The following items can be unlocked as customisation parts.

Visage Items[ | ]

The following helmets are purchasable from the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion for 3200 quicksilver each.

[ | ]

Characters can choose custom banner icons and colors and a custom title in the Banner section of the Appearance Modifier.

An example of a custom banner would be the Appalling Banner, introduced during the Halloween update.

Additional Information[ | ]

  • In a new game the appearance of the player character is defaulted to an Anomaly.
  • Since the Appearance Modifier states that it merely changes the outside look of the player through holographic projections, rather than changing their species or DNA, all players could still be considered part of the Anomaly race even when they take the appearance of another species.
  • Camera View can be toggled between first-person and third-person to see the avatar.
  • Power consumption is 50kP.
  • Some special NPC head customisations can only be unlocked via save editing.
  • The Autophage race has been added to the customiser in the Echoes update, and must be unlocked through a questline.

Release History[ | ]

  • NEXT - Added as product.
  • Desolation - custom banner icons, colors, and titles added.
  • Echoes - Autophage race added.

Gallery[ | ]
