No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NextGen update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 February, 2021.
Armoured Suit
Armoured Suit
Category Customisation Part
Type Armoured suits
Updated NextGen

Armoured Suit is a set of customisation parts.

Summary[ | ]

Armoured Suit is a collection of armoured pieces that when combined will create a complete armoured suit. It has been described as the "practical fashion choice favoured by the Vy'keen".

Game description[ | ]

Image Cost Description
NmsArmour boots 1000 QUICKSILVER Tier 1 – Armoured Boots

Reinforced foot protection system with integrated tread-balancing gyroscopes.
Hundreds of years of high-tech research, as applied to footwear.
NmsArmour gloves 1000 QUICKSILVER Tier 2 – Armoured ExoGloves

Armoured gloves, perfect for wielding weapons, impressing martial cultures, and picking really spiky plants.
NmsArmour leggings 750 QUICKSILVER Tier 3 – Armoured Leggings

Carefully woven nano-fibres make these leggings both flexible and resistant to small-arms fire.
Washing requires specialist equipment.
NmsArmour chestpiece 750 QUICKSILVER Tier 4 – Armoured Chestpiece

Reinforced yet stylish, this Exosuit chest armour provides excellent abdominal protection without compromising on looks.
NmsArmour shoulderpads 3000 QUICKSILVER Tier 5 – Armoured Shoulderpads

Powerful shoulder armour, this Exosuit augmentation comes with high-voltage connections into the user’s skeletal system.
This current jolts the user’s body as required, manipulating the muscles into their optimal defensive posture.

Source[ | ]

Each piece can be purchased from the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion for the indicated amount of QuicksilverQUICKSILVER.

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • NEXT - Added as a series of customisation parts.
  • Visions - Removed from Quicksilver shop
  • Beyond - Added back in.

Gallery[ | ]
