No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Desolation update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 September, 2020.
Galaxy Euclid
Region Navaneits
Colour Yellow
Spectral class G6
Distance to centre 689,197 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 03D8:007D:0D4B:0012
System ID 18
Planet(s) 6
Moon(s) 0
Waterworld Yes
Faction Korvax
Economy Trading
E-Sell 75.7
E-Buy -20.7
Wealth Declining
Conflict level Fractious
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Discovered by GreenGuyGeno
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Updated Desolation

Asumido-Pitky is a star system in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Asumido-Pitky is a star system in the No Man's Sky universe.

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Asumido-Pitky
PC Current: Asumido-Pitky

Discovered[ | ]

By PC explorer Green-Guy Geno on 18 Sep 2020. It was explored and a claim documented by Alliance of Galactic Travellers. This system is part of the AGT.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Image Planet Name Type Weather Sentinels
Riter Main Riter
Biome - Lush Clear Low Sentinel Activity
Resources Star Bulb Sodium Paraffinium Copper
Zoology Bonus:

Starships[ | ]

Name Type Class Slots Tech Cargo System Game release
Yagat's Towering Gambit Exotic S 17 5 Asumido-Pitky Desolation

Multi-Tools[ | ]

Name Type MT class Slots System Game release
Art of Teykop-V Pistol C 6 Asumido-Pitky Desolation

Location information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Portal Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]

Asumido-Pitky GM

Space station[ | ]

The following Trade Commodities are found at the Galactic Trade Terminal:

Multi-tool Technology Merchant[ | ]

Starship Technology Merchant[ | ]

Exocraft Shop Merchant[ | ]

Exosuit Technology Merchant[ | ]

Additional Info[ | ]

  • Documented based on site surveys during 18 Sep 2020.
  • The Star System was discovered approximately 18 Sep 2020.
  • The Star system was discovered by Green-Guy Geno.
  • Explored by Division APC0025 of the Alliance of Galactic Travellers.
  • There are 0 documented bases in this star system.

Gallery[ | ]

Navigator[ | ]
