No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
Hoarfrost Reach

An Infested Biome

Infested is a biome subtype.

Summary[ | ]

Infected Paradise

Notice the strange flora not present on other planets.

Infested is a biome sub-type that can overlay the normal planetary biome types, creating flora not seen on other planets of the same variants.

These rare modified biomes are characterized by their twisted, infected flora. They come in six different planetary palettes with each seemingly having its own main flora type for each planetary variant. Whispering Eggs dot the landscape and Biological Horrors appear with them when broken, similar to Dead worlds.

Infested Biomes also display chromatic aberration filters as well as glitch music, similar to Mega Exotic and Exotic worlds.

From space, they look like any other planet and can be found in any star system.

Name generation[ | ]

Infested Irradiated

There are six types of Infested Biomes

Chromatic Infected

An example of an Infested Biome with a natural Chromatic Aberration

The biome type is indicated in the information panel when the player exits their starship. This is procedurally generated by adding one of the following prefixes to the Planet or Moon text. There are exceptions indicated with 1 which do not receive additional text indicating the type of the astronomical body.

Lush Toxic Scorched Irradiated Frozen Barren
Infested Paradise1 Infested Infested Infested Infested Infested
Worm-ridden Toxic Horror1 Boiling Doom1 Radioactive Abomination1 Icy Abhorrence1 Tainted
Xeno-Colony1 Caustic Nightmare1 Fiery Dreadworld1 Mutated Frozen Hell1 Infected Dustbowl1
The Nest1 Corrupted Terrorsphere1

Weather[ | ]

The weather can be clear, normal, or extreme and shares the exact biome weather as Lush, Toxic, Scorched, Irradiated, Frozen and Barren. Weather here is posted in exact sequence.

Clear[ | ]

Sequence Lush Toxic Scorched Irradiated Frozen Barren
1. Temperate Acid Rain Dehydrated Contaminated Puddles Crisp Baked
2. Light Showers Caustic Moisture Direct Sunlight Gamma Dust Freezing Clear
3. Mild Rain Choking Clouds Heated Atmosphere Irradiated Winds Frost Dry Gusts
4. Refreshing Breeze Corrosive Damp Overly Warm Nuclidic Atmosphere Icy Icy Nights
5. Humid Poison Rain Parched Radioactive Damp Permafrost Moistureless
6. Pleasant Poisonous Gas Sunny Radioactive Humidity Powder Snow Sterile
7. Balmy Stinging Atmosphere Sweltering Unstable Atmosphere Snowy Unclouded Skies
8. Mellow Stinging Puddles Unending Sunlight Volatile Winds Wintry Withered
9. Beautiful Toxic Clouds
10. Blissful Toxic Damp

Normal[ | ]

Sequence Lush Toxic Scorched Irradiated Frozen Barren
1. Boiling Puddles Acidic Dust Pockets Atmospheric Heat Instabilities Energetic Storms Drifting Snowstorms Blasted Atmosphere
2. Sweltering Damp Alkaline Cloudbursts Burning Air Irradiated Downpours Frozen Clouds Ceaseless Drought
3. Superheated Drizzle Atmospheric Corruption Dangerously Hot Irradiated Storms Harsh, Icy Winds Dust-Choked Winds
4. Dangerously Hot Fog Caustic Winds Direct Sunlight Occasional Radiation Outbursts Icy Blasts Freezing Night Winds
5. Choking Humidity Corrosive Sleet Storms Heated Atmosphere Particulate Winds Ice Storms Highly Variable Temperatures
6. Mostly Calm Dangerously Toxic Rain Infrequent Heat Storms Radioactive Dust Storms Infrequent Blizzards Infrequent Dust Storms
7. Occasional Scalding Cloudbursts Infrequent Toxic Drizzle Occasional Ash Storms Reactive Rain Migratory Blizzards Intermittent Wind Blasting
8. Usually Mild Lethal Atmosphere Rare Firestorms Unstable Fog Occasional Snowfall Occasional Sandstorms
9. Blistering Damp Occasional Acid Storms Superheated Gas Pockets Volatile Windstorms Outbreaks of Frozen Rain Parched Sands
10. Lethal Humidity Outbreaks Passing Toxic Fronts Wandering Hot Spots Wandering Frosts Sporadic Grit Storms
11. Poison Flurries
12. Toxic Outbreaks

Extreme[ | ]

Sequence Lush Toxic Scorched Irradiated Frozen Barren
1. Boiling Superstorms Acidic Deluges Burning Gas Clouds Contaminated Squalls Deep Freeze Billowing Dust Storms
2. Intense Heatbursts Bone-Stripping Acid Storms Combustible Dust Enormous Nuclear Storms Frequent Blizzards Blasted Atmosphere
3. Superheated Rain Caustic Floods Extreme Heat Extreme Atmospheric Decay Hazardous Whiteouts Choking Sandstorms
4. Boiling Monsoons Corrosive Cyclones Firestorms Extreme Radioactivity Howling Blizzards Dead Wastes
5. Broiling Humidity Corrosive Rainstorms Incendiary Dust Extreme Thermonuclear Fog Icy Tempests Extreme Wind Blasting
6. Painfully Hot Rain Corrosive Storms Inferno Winds Frequent Particle Eruptions Ice Storms Hazardous Temperature Extremes
7. Torrential Heat Frequent Toxic Floods Intense Heat Gamma Cyclones Intense Cold Howling Gales
8. Blistering Floods Noxious Gas Storms Scalding Heat Irradiated Thunderstorms Raging Snowstorms Lung-Burning Night Wind
9. Scalding Rainstorms Pouring Toxic Rain Self-Igniting Storms Planet-Wide Radiation Storms Roaring Ice Storms Planetwide Desiccation
10. Torrid Deluges Torrential Acid Superheated Air Roaring Nuclear Wind Supercooled Storms Sand Blizzards
11. Toxic Monsoons
12. Toxic Superstorms

Flora[ | ]

The flora as stated above is unique to this type of biome and does not generate on other planets. It generally is limited to the planetary pallet it is spawned on, however there are exceptions. Flora generation also includes Harvested Agricultural Substances appropriate to the base biome.

Floral Abundance Name Generation[ | ]

Like other planets, Floral and Fauna Abundance is indicated upon exiting the ship. However, like Exotic worlds, the abundance name for Floral Abundance differs, but only sometimes.

  • Infected
  • Diseased
  • Twisted
  • Screaming
  • Viral
  • Invasive

Fauna[ | ]

Virus Fuana

Possible native fauna found by Temmemes

Fauna does not appear to be unique to the biome itself, with the exception of Biological Horrors; Whispering Eggs spawn in the wild in the same manner as on Dead planets.

Additional information[ | ]

  • Most buildings will spawn but are abandoned and surrounded by Whispering Eggs, even if the planet is in a populated system; Trading Posts and Minor Settlements that spawn have no NPCs but retain all other features (trading network, weapon boxes, etc.)
  • Boundary Failures can appear like on exotic biomes.
  • The flora of the planets look similar to that of Void Eggs and Living Ships
  • Flora names in files call it Alien, a nod to the Alien series by Sir Ridley Scott.
  • The name generation and weather with their sequence are extracted from the 3.70 version of the NMS_LOC6_ENGLISH.MBIN game file.

Release history[ | ]

  • Origins - added as a new Biome subtype called Infected, replacing previously existing Abandoned planets.
  • Prisms - renamed to Infested instead of Infected

Gallery[ | ]
