No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Interceptor update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 June, 2023.
Blazing Falcon GN6
Blazing Falcon GN6
Galaxy Euclid
Region Kahrudn
Star system Kosowr (RZ)
Location Space station
System economy Energy Supply
Galactic coords 0687:0086:0157:000C
Portal glyphs 200C07958E88200C07958E88
Pilot Mathematician Entity Davlosk
Type Fighter
Class A
Inventory Small
Slots 19
Tech Slots 4
Cost 2,500,000 Units
Claimed by Federal Republic of Rezehno
Discovered by 12xii
Game Mode Normal
Release Interceptor
Class A Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
213.0 184.9 101.0 387.0

Blazing Falcon GN6 is a starship in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Blazing Falcon GN6 is a Fighter-type starship in the No Man's Sky universe.

Appearance[ | ]

The starfighter is blade-shaped, coloured red and white, with two wings and a large tailfin. It has five total exhausts, and some of the engine is visible in its main body. It sits on three landing gear.

Location[ | ]

This starship was discovered in the Kosowr (RZ) system, located in the Kahrudn. There are also other cosmetically identical variants for lesser prices; this is the best variant.

Lore[ | ]

This section is Fan Fiction. The information found here is not an actual part of the released game, but a user-invented addition to the wiki.

Originally manufactured by Kosowr Heavy Engineering as the Blazing Falcon Star Interceptor, it was used heavily by the Kosowotine states as a key component of their starfighter corps under the designation GN6. After the collapse of Kosowotine civilisation, production of a variant known as the Blazing Falcon Superiority Fighter continued under Rezehno Drive Yards. It is still used by the Rezehnan Federal Navy's Starfighter Corps, though it is speculated to be replaced in the upcoming 2023 Federal Protection Review.

Additional information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
