No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Origins update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020.

The subject of this article is from a previous version of No Man's Sky and is now considered obsolete.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorised.
Bloody Organ
Bloody Organ
Category Consumable
Type Carnivore Bait
Total Value 800.0 Units
Updated Origins

Bloody Organ is a consumable.

Summary[ | ]

Bloody Organ is a consumable and one of the Carnivore Baits.

Game Description[ | ]

A specialist bait for carnivores. Use the Analysis Visor to discover the bait preferences of specific creatures.

Created in a Nutrient Processor from Mordite and assorted creature flesh.

Feeding using the correct bait will allow creatures to be ridden or harvested. It will also calm predators. Chose bait type from the Quick Menu.

Source[ | ]

Bloody Organ can no longer be cooked.

Original recipe(s):

  • PRODUCT.BAIT.SACK Feline Liver x1  +  SUBSTANCE.CREATURE.1 Mordite x1  →  PRODUCT.BAIT.ORGAN Bloody Organ x1  ("Prepare Bait", 5 sec./unit output)
  • PRODUCT.BAIT.SACK Offal Sac x1  +  SUBSTANCE.CREATURE.1 Mordite x1  →  PRODUCT.BAIT.ORGAN Bloody Organ x1  ("Prepare Bait", 5 sec./unit output)

Additional Information[ | ]

Release History[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
