No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Bokuni-Somed III-LU
Bokuni-Somed III-LU
Galaxy Nepitzaspru
Region Hulayshe Sector
Colour Red
Spectral class M9f
Distance to centre 3,258 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 07FB:0086:0800:0161
Planet(s) 5
Waterworld Yes
Faction None
Economy None
Wealth None
Conflict level None
Claimed by The Luminumbra Collective
Discovered by therealmortaine
Game Mode Normal
Updated Waypoint

Bokuni-Somed III-LU is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

Bokuni-Somed III-LU is a star system in the Hulayshe Sector.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Bokuni-Somed III
Current: Bokuni-Somed III-LU

Discovered[ | ]

By PC explorer Mortaine on October 26, 2022.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Image Planet Name Type Extreme
CoklinnTau Coklinn Tau Lush No No
Resources: Star Bulb, Salt, Paraffinium, Cadmium Notes:
NeileyawXIII Neileyaw XIII Scorched No NO
Resources: Sodium, Phosphorus, Cadmium Notes: Notes
NeninuscXVIII Neninusc XVIII Scorched YES NO
Resources: Solanium, Cobalt, Phosphorus, Activated Cadmium Notes: Notes
NewTotto New Totto Barren NO NO
Resources: Cactus Flesh, Sodium, Pyrite, Cadmium Notes: Notes
Shboru Shboru Frozen NO NO
Resources: Frost Crystal, Magnetised Ferrite, Dioxite, Cadmium Notes: Notes

Location Information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]


System Location[ | ]

Space station[ | ]

This system has no space station.

Additional Information[ | ]

Explorer Notes[ | ]

I did a thorough survey of Neninusc XVIII here, a hellish planet with firestorms that literally set the ground aflame. 6 fauna species survive here against all odds, including a tiny predator known as the M. Brocardum.

Gallery[ | ]
