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The subject of this article is from the Origins update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020. |
The subject of this article is from the Origins update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020.

This page is a background page.
Summary[ | ]
No Man's Sky is a British game, created by the British software team of Hello Games. As a result, there are occasional British spellings of words that differ from American English.
Wiki position on spelling[ | ]
This wiki has chosen to use the British spellings whenever possible as specified in No Mans Sky Wiki:Explained - General Rules#Other content:
- As this is a British-published game, the British spelling for words as chosen by Hello Games should be used if different than the Americanised spelling. (aluminium, civilisation, mould, centre, armourer etc)
Noted differences[ | ]
The following words are those most commonly seen, with the British spelling listed first:
- Aluminium - Aluminum
- Coloured Light - Colored Light
- Armour - Armor
- Armoured Clam - Armored Clam
- Armourer - Armorer
- Centre - Center
- Civilisation - Civilization
- Defence - Defense
- Electron Vapour - Electron Vapor
- Fuel Oxidiser - Fuel Oxidizer
- Fungal Mould - Fungal Mold
- Ionised Cobalt - Ionized Cobalt
- Magnetised Ferrite - Magnetized Ferrite
- Runaway Mould - Runaway Mold
- Traveller - Traveler
Other words[ | ]
- Artefact - Artifact
- Travelling - Traveling
Additional information[ | ]
In most cases, the difference in spelling is using an "s" instead of "z", or in adding an extra "u"
The only major exception where the American spelling is used is in references to Civilized space.