No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Chewy Wires
Chewy Wires
Category Consumable
Type Raw Ingredient
Total Value 3,200.0 Units
Updated WorldsOne

Chewy Wires is a consumable.

Summary[ | ]

Chewy Wires is a consumable and one of the Raw Ingredients.

Game Description[ | ]

This odd collection of wires pulses with a faint, almost organic energy. It seems to remember the whole from which it was parted...

Process in a Nutrient Processor to generate 'edible' products.

Source[ | ]

This ingredient can be sourced by gathering from robotic creatures (Mechanoceris and Structurae) when fed Ion Batteries.

Recipes[ | ]

Chewy Wires is used as an ingredient for cooking the following products using a Nutrient Processor:

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Provides 20% Energy Boost when consumed.
  • Rewards between 5 to 10 nanites when consumed.

Release History[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
