No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.

This section is Fan Fiction. The information found here is not an actual part of the released game, but a user-invented addition to the wiki.

Civilized Space Claims
Civilized Space Claims
Type Civilized Space
Description System Documented Claim Counts
Platform All
Updated Waypoint

Civilized Space Claims is a count of documented claimed systems.

Note On Table Updates[ | ]

In order to get the latest content in tables, click here to refresh this page.

Note on Expeditions Universe Merger[ | ]

The intention of this table is to prioritize the counts of systems that have had an updated page since Expeditions/Prisms universe merger. As such, the ranking method is to exclude the count of legacy era versions of older versions of systems, where multiple page versions from different eras may exist across discrete platforms.

If system or planet pages on the wiki become obsolete as they are replaced by a new name due to the universe merger (or in fact any update), please add a line in the infobox as follows for the obsolete page:

|noshow = noshow

If you think the counts below may be inaccurate or you have a suggestion on improving this table, please contact the admin responsible (celab99) or enter your comments on the Talk:Civilized Space Claims page.

Civilization Claims[ | ]

Important Note: There are approximately 575 civilizations documented to varying degrees in Civilized space. The extent of documentation varies greatly from one civilization to another. The most common way of identifying a system claim in game is via a prefix or suffix tag applied by the discoverer claiming for a civilization. This analysis covers only those claims documented on the wiki, it is recognized some civilizations are known to have many more systems claimed in the game, but have not created wiki pages to apply their claims. It is also recognized that not all systems (especially those before the Visions era have had the civilized parm set in their infobox. We try to maximize count by also matching with prefix or suffix when possible.

If your civilization is not listed here and you do not understand how to add it, contact a wiki administrator or leave a request on the DISCUSSION page.

The following civilizations have star system claims documented on the wiki1,2:

Item Legacy Platform Totals
Cross Platform
(Post Expeditions)
Prefixes Suffixes Last Active Notes
A+ Alliance 1 0 A+% Beyond 4,7
AAAM Expeditionary 0 1 AAAM% Synthesis 4,7
Aesir Ascendancy 8 0 Aesir% %Aesir% NEXT 4
Ahiran Order 1 0 /*\% NEXT 4, 7
Aliens of NMS 2 0 ALIENS% Visions 4, 7
Altera Confederation 37 1 Altera% Pathfinder 4, 7
Alliance of Atlas Travellers 5 0 AAT % Living Ship 4, 7
Alliance of Galactic Travellers 2,098 1,796 AGT% Adrift 3
Amino Hub Eissentam 1 0 % AH %-AH Interceptor 7
Amino Hub 52 26 % AH %-AH WorldsOne All Galaxies
Anarchic Alliance of Travellers 9 0 %- AAT %-AAT Synthesis 7
Anomaly Empire 1 0 ?AE? % Synthesis 4, 7
Anomaly Trading Company (ATC) 0 0 Visions 4, 7
Antaurean Imperium 6 0 Antaur% A.I.M% Expeditions
Arcadian Republic 68 0 Frontiers
Arizonian Galactic Empire 0 0 Visions 4,7
ARFL 0 41 %.arfl Orbital
Artifices Caeli 6 0 ?hac? % %.pak Beyond 4
Asgardian Empire 0 5 (Aspire% Expeditions
Astronauts of the First Settlement 1 0 Synthesis 5
Astronomical Republic of Jami 0 0 Crossplay 5
Atlas Trade Empire 0 0 Beyond 4,5,7
Aykanar Explorers Guild (AEG) 3 0 AEG % NEXT 7
Bella Star Empire 9 8 %BSE% %Bella% SentinelUp 7
Bizarro Star Empire 1 2 BZR% Synthesis
Black Cloud Commonwealth 13 0 Atlas Rises 4
Blacksun gaming empire hub 0 0 Desolation 7
Black Star Order 20 1 BSO % Endurance
Cafe 42 20 12 %-42 Echoes, Orbital 5
Calypso Travellers Foundation 740 144 %CTF Orbital 5
Capital Triangle 45 0 Pathfinder
Chaos 0 0 NextGen 4,7
Chrisubidon 2 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
=CIAT=_Atlas_Civilization 0 0 %3DCIAT%3D No results 4
Circle16 1 0 ExoMech 5
Civil Security Fleet 1 7 CSF % CSF-% Endurance 5
Coalition of Free Systems 0 3 FREE % Frontiers
Coalition Star Corps 0 0 %CSC? Synthesis 5
Commonwealth of Independent Systems 5 1 CIS % NEXT 4
Conure Core Project 1 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Cosmic Cooperative 20 0 %(CC) ExoMech 5,7
Cult of the Atlas 0 0 COTA% Visions 5,7
Cungr Vanck Network 2 0 CVS% Synthesis 5
Darkk Sector Syndicate 7 0 DSS% ExoMech
Death Watch 1 0 Death Watch% Visions 4,7
Deep Thought Collective 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Democratic Order Of Planets 9 0 % DOOP% NEXT 4
Depressed Space Federation 2 0 % DSF %- DSF Desolation 7
Discovery Coalition 1 0 (DC)% Pathfinder 4
Divine Dynasty Empire 23 0 (DDE% Pathfinder 4
Domus Stellaris Confederation 8 0 (DSC)% Desolation 4
Dopelord Confederacy 7 0 Dopelord% Companions 4,7
EGU Federation 0 0 % (EGU) Prisms
Eissengard Construction Coalition 1 0 ?ECC% Desolation 4,7
Eissentam Confederated Systems 8 0 %-ECS %- ECS Visions 4
Eissentam Travellers Foundation 58 4 % ETF Omega 4
Elysium 8 0 %(Elysium% No results 4
Emeril Federation 0 1 %-EF % EF Frontiers
Empire of Achenar 7 0 EOAS% Synthesis 4
Empire of Bizent 5 0 ExoMech 6, 8
Empire of Eld 24 81 %Eld% Waypoint
Empire of Jatriwil 4 2 ?TEJ% SentinelUp
Empire of Phantomium Marxium 24 0 (EPM% Origins
Empire of the Rising Sun 0 0 (ERS-% Atlas Rises 4,7
Empyrean of Dominion 0 0 EoD-% Atlas Rises 4,7
EPIC 91 0 No results
Et Viatores Amalgamation 0 1 EVA-% Visions 4,7
Euclidean Federation of Independent Systems 3 0 EFIS% NEXT 4,7
Euclidean Scholar's Society 529 0 (ESS% No results
Euclid Imperial Confederation 10 0 ?EIC% (EA% ExoMech 4,7,10
Eye Of the Korvax Legion 6 0 (EOK?-% Origins
Eyfert Khannate 23 13 (EK% Interceptor
Fatalitan Empire 6 0 NEXT 4,7
Federal Republic of Rezehno 0 55 % (RZ) WorldsOne 4,7
Forerunners 0 107 Echoes
Forgotten Colonies 144 10 Echoes 5
Free Delta Initiative 4 0 Beyond 7
Free Folk of the Fringe 35 1 NEXT 4
Free-Realms of Delta 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
G.A.Z 0 0 Desolation 7
Galactic Agriculture Society 6 0 %(GAS) NEXT 7
Galactic British Empire 3 0 Companions
Galactic Commerce Collective 0 0 %-GCC Visions 7
Galactic Democratic Republic of the Edquamn Nebula 1 0 Visions 4,7
Galactic Empire of Funk 0 0 Beyond 4,7
Galactic Frontier Alliance 0 0 Visions 4,7
Galactic Empire of HOVA 13 6 (HOVA% Prisms 4
Galactic Horizon Sentient Empire 1 0 NEXT 4, 7
Galactic Hub Budullangr 33 0 HUB% Desolation 4, 7
Galactic Hub Calypso 61 109 HUB% Echoes Calypso
Galactic Hub Eissentam 130 106 HUB% Echoes Eissentam
Galactic Hub Project 2,616 1,762 HUB% Adrift Euclid
Galactic Hub Hilbert 50 2 HUB% Frontiers Inactive
Galactic Hub Project 2,881 1,933 HUB% Adrift All galaxies
Galactic Inquistion 1 0 GI-% GI % NEXT 4,7
Galactic Latino Empire 3 3 %GLE % %-GLE% NEXT 4,5,7
Galactic Network of Systems 0 0 Pathfinder 4,7
Galactic Pathfinders 6 0 %(GP) NEXT 4,7
Galactic Republic of Eissentam 11 0 Aquarius 7
Galactic Vanguard 0 0 (GV)% {EA}% Atlas Rises 7, 12
Galileo Hub 0 1 %HUB-IT% NEXT 4, 7
Gek United 1 7 Frontiers
Geknip Gang Hub 20 0 (GNG)% Frontiers 5
Grand Conjunction 33 6 Aquarius 5
Grand Zecorian Absolution 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Guardians of the Atlas 0 0 ?ATL% Beyond 4,7
Helios Confederation of Independent Systems 12 0 ExoMech
Her Majesty's Empire of Sol 0 0 No results 4,7
Pathfinder 4,7
Hilbert Gathering 4 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Federacion Hispana Interestelar 0 0 NEXT 4,7
Hub Francophone 0 0 ?HUB-FR% Outlaws 4,7
Hub Italiana 0 0 Living Ship 4,7
Hub QC 0 0 No results 7
II Galactic Empire 3 6 GE_ % GE % No results
Intergalactic Coalition of Travelers 32 6 ICoT-% Prisms
Intergalactic Space Force 7 3 ISF % Atlas Rises 4
Intergalactic Travellers Foundation 8 1 Omega, Orbital
Interstellar Commerce Guild 1 1 NEXT 4, 7
Interstellar Syndicate of Tasks 2 0 IST % Atlas Rises 4, 7
Iowar Republic 0 8 SentinelUp
IPRO 0 0 SentinelUp
Kataran Grand Republic 0 5 %(KGR) Prisms
Kekende Fellowship 5 0 Living Ship
Kiithit Bentuci 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Kingdom of Liycitus 0 10 Interceptor
Knights of the Anomaly 0 0 Origins
Korvax Ascendancy 33 0 KA % Crossplay 4
Kosowotine Republic 0 15 %(KR) %(KMC) Prisms
Krikkit 2 0 ?Krikkit?% NEXT 4,7
Lanny Poo Empire 5 1 Outlaws 4,7
Librarian Knights 1 0 % IXI % NEXT 4,7
Messier Catalog Corps 1 0 ExoMech 5
Militaris Mortis 2 0 Prisms 5
Moon Ring Society 1 0 Moon Ring% Desolation 5
Mud Bunny 11 0 6 %MB-11% Expeditions
NaniteByte 1 0 ?NB-% Visions 4,7
NECO METUS EXITIUM 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Neo Wanderers 0 0 Visions 4,7
Never Gate 1 0 ?NGRS% NEXT 4,7
New Hub Order 64 11 %NHO% %New Hub Order% Atlas Rises 4
New Nizari 5 0 NN % NextGen
New Soviet Empire 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
NEXT Generation Hub 0 0 NXT Gen % NEXT 4,7
Nibiran Oligarchy 15 0 Atlas Rises 4
NMS Galactic Empire 3 5 %(GE) Singularity
NMS Lounge 0 0 ExoMech 4
NMS Mexico 7 11 %- GRM %-GRM Singularity 4
No Man's High Hub 21 50 %(NMH)% No results
No Man_s Players Republic 6 0 NMP-% NMP % No results 4
Nomad Foxes 5 0 % NF0% Aquarius 4,7
Nomad Mercenaries 0 0 Visions 4,7
Northern Front 0 0 Visions 4,7
Null Void 0 0 0x00% NEXT 4,7
Oeileutasc Establishment 0 0 Living Ship 4,7
Omnis Empire 0 0 Beyond 4,7
O.P.A 0 0 O.P.A% Desolation 7
Order of the All Consuming Star 5 0 (TACS)% Visions 4,7
Osiris Coalition 0 0 Pathfinder 4,7
Oxalis 78 13 Aquarius 5
Pandarian Empire 1 0 Pathfinder 4,7
Pandora Initiative 2 0 %-PAN Companions
Pirates of No Mans Sky 1 38 Orbital
Priest of Atlas 0 0 ?PoA% Atlas Rises 4,7
Protectorate of Aualan 2 0 ExoMech 4,7
Qaluja Empire 0 0 %Qaluja Empire% Beyond 4,7
Rai 0 0 ?RAI?-% Atlas Rises 4,7
Raldwicarn Hub 1 0 RH % Atlas Rises 4,7
Republic Of Cascadia 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Republic of Kairos 7 0 Atlas Rises 4, 5
Republic of Owedgaw 0 1 R.O-% Frontiers 7
Republic of Soverign Systems 0 0 %(RSS) No results
Republica Galactica 11 0 % RG Visions 4, 7
Royal Space Society 0 299 RSS % Aquarius
Rycempler Travellers Foundation 21 2 % RTF %-RTF Omega
Seht Research Group 4 0 SRG % NEXT 4, 7
Sepros Alliance 12 4 Echoes
Seventh Fleet 5 2 % - 7thF Echoes 7
Skaggerrak Refuge 7 0 Pathfinder 4,7
Sobek Colonial Confederation 0 0 % SCC? Origins 7
Sociedad de Exploradores Galacticos 1 0 % SEG Visions 4,7
Solar Federation 2 0 %Solar Federation% Expeditions 7
Solarion Imperium 10 0 NEXT 4,5
Sovereign Corporation of PQ Forge 1 0 PQF % Atlas Rises 4,5
Space Britannia 0 0 (SB)% Prisms 4,5,7
Spacing Guild 0 0 Beyond 4,7
Starlight Crusaders 0 0 NEXT 4,7
Stealos Empire 2 0 SGI % SGI-% Origins 5,9
Stream of P0ne 116 0 P0% Beyond 4
Sumoha Starfleet 52 0 SSS% Visions
Tarran Union 0 0 Synthesis 4,7
The Alphabetical Order 3 0 % TAO Atlas Rises 4
The Archive 0 0 NEXT 4,7
The Aurorian Empire 0 0 [TAE% Desolation 4,7
The Authorian Galactic Empire 0 0 ExoMech 4,7
The Bez-Harr Concern 0 0 Pathfinder 4,7
The Blackford 0 0 TBA % TBA-% NEXT 4,7
The Budullangr Amino Hub 0 0 %BAH? Atlas Rises 4,7
The Builder's Empire 0 0 No results 4,7
The Castaways and Cutouts 2 0 _CAC_ % _CAC_-% NEXT 4,7
The Chivalric Knights of the Order of Iteration 6 1 %O.I% Origins
The Colonial Fleet 11 0 ?UCK? % NEXT 4,7
The Communist Constellations of U.S.S.R 5 0 Visions 4,7
The Constitutional Monarchy of Yokoso 0 0 Pathfinder 4,7
The Crimson Arc 18 1 %(ARC)% Origins 5
The Eissentam Men Explorers 1 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
The Eissentam Qitanian Empire 14 2 Qitand-% Echoes, Orbital 5
The Elmhurst Hermitage 6 0 ELM % Desolation 5
The Enigma Alliance 0 6 Adrift, Singularity 5
The Federation Of Doctinawyra 2 0 (TFOD)% Origins 7
The Fédération of Euclid 1 0 Visions 5
The Federation of Mayaga-Noga 2 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
The Galactic Frontier 13 0 GalacticFrontier-% Visions 4,5
The Hand of Nal 2 0 %NAL? ExoMech 5,7
The Hyugame Empire 1 0 HES % Desolation 5
The Indominus Legion 0 28 The Indominus Legion% Echoes 5
The Kingdom of Cyan‎ 0 0 No results 7
The Men Explorers 2 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
The Odyalutai Men Explorers 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
The Plamidian Empire 41 0 %(Plamidian) Pathfinder 4,7
The Plamidian Remnants 27 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
The Qitanian Empire 35 14 Qitand-% Adrift All galaxies
The Reborn Plamidian Empire 40 0 %(Plamidian) NEXT 4,7
The Republic of Galactic Travellers 2 0 RGT % NEXT 4,7
The SHELTER Organization 4 0 ?SHELTER% NEXT 4,7
The Sons of Chorhal 0 0 NEXT 4,7
The Technocracy of Exelar 0 0 Visions 4,7
The Union Confederal 4 0 NEXT 4,7
The Union Of Communal Stars 3 0 (UCS% Companions 5
The Union of Free Stars 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
The Viatorem Federation 4 0 %-VF % VF SentinelUp 4,7
The Viridian Assembly of Eissentam 7 2 (%-VAE Fractal 5
The Volition Project 8 0 NextGen 4,5,7
The Wander Society 1 0 TWS-% Pathfinder 4,5,7
Three 2 0 TRE-% Synthesis 5
Three Sons Syndicate 4 0 (TSS% Companions 5
Titan Echo 0 0 Visions 4,7
Top of the Galaxy Hub 2 0 ?TOG(% Atlas Rises 4,7
Travellers of the Atlas 5 0 %// ToA ExoMech 5
Trijen Collective 0 0 NEXT 4,7
Triumvirate Pact Alliance 0 0 %TTP Atlas Rises 4,7
Tugarv Compendium 14 0 Companions
Underworld Hub 0 0 Synthesis 4,7
Union of Eissentam 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Union of Intergalactic Civilizations 1 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Union Of United Civilisations 0 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
United Celestial Kingdoms 1 0 Beyond 4,7
United Colonies of Central Euclid 3 0 %UCCE% Prisms 4,7
United Federation of Travelers 12 23 No results Pan-civ organization
United Frontier Systems 2 0 %UFS-% %UFS % NextGen 4,7
United Galactic Corps 8 0 (UGC)% NEXT 5
United Nations 42 0 0 Aquarius Pan-civ organization
United Systems Of Euclid 5 0 DKE % DKE-% NextGen
United Systems Republic 0 0 ?USR% ExoMech 4,7
United Traveler?s Alliance 0 0 UTA?-% No results 4,7
United Soviet Systemic Empire 1 0 USSE% Origins 4,7
Universal Explorer?s Corp. 0 0 ?Corp.?% No results 4,7
Utensil Legion 0 0 No results 4,7
Vanguard of the Mythos 1 0 (MYTHOS)% Visions 4,7
Vanir Fylkirate 0 0 NEXT 4,7
Vareryforba 7 0 NEXT 4,7
Vestroga Hub Foundation 3 0 %VHF% Atlas Rises 4
Vexan Union 3 2 ?VU?-% NEXT 4,7
Vinterflåten 14 0 -VTF-% Desolation 5
Vulf Empire 4 0 Atlas Rises 4,7
Wastelanders 5 0 %Wastelanders% %WSTL% NEXT 4,7
White Noise 11 0 WN % WN-% Companions 5
Wild Space 7 3 Expeditions 5
Wolfwater Republic 0 0 ?WW% Atlas Rises 4,7
X.O.Alliance 0 0 No results 4,7
Xenon Colony Exploration 2 0 Synthesis 4,7
Yebdishtei Federation 0 0 Pathfinder 4,7
Yeth Armada 0 0 YA % YA-% Synthesis 4,7
Zankoway Empire 1 0 Zankoway% Atlas Rises 4,7
Zen 1 0 %(ZE-% Atlas Rises 4,7


  • 1: In order for the civilization system be counted, it must have either a civilized tag in the Star system infobox for the civilization, or the star system must have the assigned civilization UNIQUE naming prefix and/or suffix naming convention. At present it is recognized that records in the wiki by many civilization founders may not have properly tagged systems with CIVILIZED tags. A project is ongoing to research each civilization and to gradually improve its system records for tagging. This will take considerable time and civ founders are encouraged to help by updating their existing wiki star system records.
  • 2: More civilizations will be added in the near term.
  • 3: Includes CTF and ETF systems named on behalf of the AGT
  • 4: Appears inactive
  • 5: Records on Wiki are inconsistently tagged at present
  • 6: Appears to be inter-related/same civilization claim
  • 7: Limited or no records appear available on Wiki
  • 8: Also covers Dutchy of Tera
  • 9: Formerly The Stargate Imperium
  • 10: Covers both Explorers Alliance and Euclid Imperial Confederation
  • 11: Euclid only. Count appears incorrect requires further work
  • 12: covers Eissentam Assembly and Commonwealth of Eissentam

Company Claims[ | ]

See Civilized Space Claims - Companies

Additional information[ | ]
