No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Colossal Archive
Colossal Archive
Category Inhabited Outpost
Type Trade Outpost
Description Trade Outpost
Updated WorldsOne

Colossal Archive is a point of interest.

Summary[ | ]

A Colossal Archive aka Planetary Archive is one of the various Points of Interest in No Man's Sky.

Colossal Archive[ | ]

A type of habitable outpost with a series of multiple physical Landing Pads, and a range of different terminal and NPC interaction possibilities.

Features[ | ]

These inhabited structures are equipped with several items of interest:

Additional Information[ | ]

  • It can be discovered by using Planetary Chart (inhabited outpost). Upon discovering it, the chart will say "planetary archive" located.
  • Multiple instances per planet/moon are possible.
  • You can repeatedly find colossal archives by using the planetary chart multiple times. Once a chart has found a colossal archive, keep using planetary charts (the game will give an error saying that a place has been already been found) until you receive the global scan and the search will always guarantee a colossal archive. Repeat this in the same solar system.
  • The guild envoy assigned to the Space Station will hold the same inventory as those envoys found on Planetary Archives.

Release History[ | ]

  • Origins: Introduced as part of the game.

Gallery[ | ]

External views[ | ]

Internal views[ | ]
