No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
Companion Egg
NmsMisc NotAvailable
Category Container
Type Companion Creature
Updated Frontiers

Companion Egg is a container.

Summary[ | ]

Companion Egg drops from Companion creatures of the player in their native environment. One egg is produced every 24 real life hours provided the creature is fed and content.

Modification[ | ]

Companion Eggs can be modified as many times as the player wishes using an Egg Sequencer, and each modification stacks on previous modifications. This can allow a player to set personality attributes to 100% and create creatures far smaller or larger than normally found in the wild, albeit at a high resource cost.

Additional information[ | ]

  • There is a limit on how many Companion Eggs you can have at the same time on a given save file. The maximum number is eighteen. Eggs are counted across all inventories, including spaceships, freighters, exocraft, and storage containers. Once you have reached the limit, you won't be able to induce eggs in your companions or receive them from other sources until you have discarded some of your existing eggs.
  • There's a bug that make the Companion Egg gets replaced by an Economy Scanner. This happens when you duplicate the egg using save editors or from glitches. This also happen when trading an expedition egg.

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Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
