No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
Conflict Scanner
Conflict Scanner
Grants the ability to check a system's Conflict Level
Category Starship - Scanner
Type Long-range Sensor technology
Updated Frontiers

Conflict Scanner is starship technology.

Summary[ | ]

Conflict Scanner is a starship technology that allows the player to check a star system's Conflict Level in the Galactic Map (shown below the system's economy status) without having to warp to that system first.

Without this technology, the player would have to warp to the system, then check the conflict level by using the Discoveries menu.

Game description[ | ]

An upgrade to the starship's galactic-scale sensors. This device allows the user to access conflict data in the galaxy map, without having to put themselves in harm's way.

Source[ | ]

The blueprint can be acquired from a Technology Merchant for 150 NANITES.

Crafting[ | ]

Conflict Scanner can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Conflict Scanner can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Conflict Scanner can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
