No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Living Ship update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 6 April, 2020.

There are multiple game-release versions of the Construction page.

Construction is an information panel.

Summary[ | ]

Construction is a display page referenced by the Game Content page.

Base Construction[ | ]

Construction Synthesis 1

Base Construction

  • Any site can be claimed for construction using the Base Computer. Multiple sites can be claimed across many or one world.
  • Expand your base with the Build Menu (Key Z). New base parts require resources to build.
  • Dismantling structures within your base refunds the resources.
  • Most structures can only be built in the vicinity of your base. Some, such as Signal Boosters, can be built anywhere.
  • Use the Analysis Visor (Key F) and the Terrain Manipulator to find Buried Technology Modules, Salvaged Data extracted from these devices can be spent on new Construction Blueprints.
  • Specialist Terminals can be built in your base. Workers can be recruited from space stations to operate the terminal. They offer missions to research advanced base parts and equipment.
  • Whilst onboard space station, locate a Terminal Teleporter for teleportation to and from your base. The Terminus is on the left side of the space station, near the Mission Agent.

Learning New Base Parts[ | ]

Construction Synthesis 2

Learning New Base Parts

  • There is a vast range of available construction parts. Keep track of the ones you have learned in the Catalogue.
  • Some parts are purely decorative, while others offer important upgrades to the functionality of your base: Teleporters, Power or Farming equipment, for example.
  • A basic range of parts is available to purchase from a Construction Research Unit, which can be built in your base. The full range of parts is a available aboard the Space Anomaly at their Construction Research Station.
  • To purchase new base parts, first acquire Salvaged Data. These are harvested from Buried Technology on planets. use the Analysis Visor to locate and tag relics, then use the Terrain Manipulator to unearth them.

Portable Technology[ | ]

Construction Synthesis 3

Portable Technology

  • Technology deployed on the planet's surface from the Build Menu (Key Z) may be recovered by approaching and folding Mouse Roll. This places the technology in the user's Exosuit Inventory.
  • Dismantling technology offers a convenient way for the user to transport and redeploy the technology at a location of their choosing.
  • Redeploying portable technology incurs no additional costs. The unit only needs to be constructed once.
  • WARNING: Do not forget the location of your deployed technology.

Powering the Base[ | ]

Construction Synthesis 4

Powering the Base

  • Many pieces of base technology require Power Modules to run. They must be wired up to a grid of Generators and Batteries. Large bases with lots of technology may require several generators to stay online.
  • Wiring is free to place. Space Electrical Wiring in the Build Menu (Key Z) and place on a plug socket to begin laying wires. Snap wires directly to another plug socket or place along the ground to lay out internal paths.
  • Wires can be connected to large structures using a Transformer. Large structure will distribute power to all technology placed inside them.
  • Different generators have different capabilities. The Biofuel Reactor requires manual fueling. Solar Panels generate power automatically, but only during the day. The Electromagnetic Generator generates power continuously, but it must be placed on special power hotspots located with the Survey Device upgrade for the Analysis Visor.
  • Batteries store surplus power from the grid and redistribute it when required. They are particular efficient when used with Solar Panels.

Industrial Parts[ | ]

Construction Synthesis 5

Industrial Parts

  • Industrial Units include the Electromagnetic Generator and the Mineral and Gas Extractors. These advanced modules are capable of generating endless free power and resources if sited correctly.
  • Finding the correct site relies on using the Survey Device.
  • There are several types of resources hotspots. Electromagnetic Power Hotspots allow the construction of highly efficient base power generators while gas and mineral deposits allow endless resource harvesting. Hotspots can be rated C, B, A or S-Class.
  • Extractors require power to operate. Once connected to a power grid, they will continually extract resources based upon the hotspot where they been constructed.
  • Expand your network of Extractors with Silos and Pipelines. Creating a network of silos and pipelines allow resources to be extracted from the most efficient hotspots while benefiting from easy access and storage.
  • Select the Pipeline in the Build Menu (Key Z) and place one end upon an Extractor. Connect the other end of the pipe directly to a silo or begin placing intermediate points along the terrain.

Industrial Surveying[ | ]

Construction Synthesis 6

Industrial Surveying

  • The Survey Device is an upgrade for the Multi-Tool Analysis Visor. It allows the discovery of planetary power and resource hotspots.
  • Industrial Units include the Electromagnetics Generator and the Mineral and Gas Extractors. These advanced modules are capable of generating endless free power and resources if sited correctly.
  • Finding the correct site relies on using the Survey Device.
  • There are several types of resources hotspot. Electromagnetic Power Hotspots allow the construction of highly efficient base power generators while gas and mineral deposits allow endless resource harvesting. Hotspots can be rated C, B, A or S-Class.
  • With the Analysis Visor activated (Key F), use Key 1 to enter Survey Mode. Sweeping across the terrain reveals your proximity to a hotspot, as well as the type of hotspot and its class.
  • Pinpointing its centre allows a hotspot to be analysed and tracked. This reveals the full details of the hotspot, such as its yield precise potential, and places a marker upon the site. A hotspot marker can be pinned using (Key E).