Ingredient 1
Ingredient 2
Ingredient 3
Consume Bonus
Burning Jam Surprise
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Ever-burning Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cream Buns
Cake Batter
Cream or Bone Cream
50% Hazard Protection
Esophageal Surprise
Cake Batter
Cactus Nectar
50% Hazard Protection
Cactus Jelly
Cream or Bone Cream
Custard Fancy
Cake Batter
Viscous Custard or Very Thick Custard
50% Hazard Protection
Briney Delight
Cake Batter
Salty Custard
50% Hazard Protection
Interstellar Fancy
Cake Batter
Stellar Custard
50% Hazard Protection
Cream Curiosity
Cream or Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Chocolate Curiosity
Bittersweet Cocoa
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Caramel Curiosity
Crunchy Caramel
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
'Apple' Curiosity
Crab 'Apple'
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Wriggling Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Prickly Curiosity
Cactus Nectar
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Cactus Jelly
Cream or Bone Cream
Jam Curiosity
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Startling Fancy
Ever-burning Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Unsolvable Jam Turnover
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Custard Curiosity
Viscous Custard or Very Thick Custard
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Salty Surprise
Salty Custard
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Interstellar Curiosity
Stellar Custard
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Chocolate Dream
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Bittersweet Cocoa
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Glittering Honey Cake
Cake Batter
Synthetic Honey
50% Hazard Protection
Questionably Sweet Cake
Cake Batter; Thick, Sweet Batter
Gooey Butter; Sticky 'Honey'
50% Hazard Protection
Chocolate Cake
Cake Batter
Bittersweet Cocoa
50% Hazard Protection
Caramel-Encrusted Cake
Cake Batter
Crunchy Caramel
50% Hazard Protection
Spiced 'Apple' Cake
Cake Batter
Crab 'Apple'
50% Hazard Protection
Wriggling Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
Traditional Cake
Cake Batter
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
50% Hazard Protection
Ever-Boiling Cake
Cake Batter
Ever-burning Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
50% Hazard Protection
Perpetual Cake
Cake Batter
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
50% Hazard Protection
Honied Angel Cake
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Synthetic Honey
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Extra-Fluffy Cream Cake
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Fluffy Caramel Delight
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Crunchy Caramel
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Angelic Fruitcake
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Crab 'Apple'
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Wriggling Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
Soft and Spiky Surprise
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Cactus Nectar
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cactus Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Jam Fluffer
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Burning Jam Fluffer
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Ever-burning Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Perpetual Jam Fluffer
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Soft Custard Fancy
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Viscous Custard; Salty Custard; Stellar Custard; Very Thick Custard or Monstrous Custard
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Monstrous Honey Cake
Wailing Batter
Synthetic Honey
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Honied Proto-Cake
Synthetic Honey
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Horrifying, Gooey Delight
Cake Batter or Proto-Batter
Monstrous Custard
50% Hazard Protection
Wailing Batter
Viscous Custard; Salty Custard; Monstrous Custard; Stellar Custard or Very Thick Custard
Haunted Chocolate Dreams
Wailing Batter
Bittersweet Cocoa
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Unbound Cream Horn
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Cream; Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Volatile Chocolate Fancy
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Bittersweet Cocoa
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Fluffy Throatripper
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Cactus Nectar
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cactus Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Writhing Jam Puff
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Gooey Screamer
Thick, Sweet Batter
Monstrous Custard
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Wailing Batter
Gooey Butter; Sticky 'Honey'
Most Curious Cake
Gooey Butter or Sticky 'Honey'
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Honey-Soaked Fancy
Thick, Sweet Batter
Synthetic Honey
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Sweet Cream Dreams
Thick, Sweet Batter
Cream or Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Gooey Chocolate Cake
Thick, Sweet Batter
Bittersweet Cocoa
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Gooey Caramel Cake
Thick, Sweet Batter
Crunchy Caramel
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Gooey Fruit Surprise
Thick, Sweet Batter
Crab 'Apple'
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Wriggling Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
Honied Throat-Sticker
Thick, Sweet Batter
Cactus Nectar
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Cactus Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Jam Oozers
Thick, Sweet Batter
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Gooey Mouthburner
Thick, Sweet Batter
Ever-burning Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Perpetual Honeycake
Thick, Sweet Batter
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Gooey Custard Fancy
Thick, Sweet Batter
Viscous Custard or Very Thick Custard
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Salt-Laced Honey Cake
Thick, Sweet Batter
Salty Custard
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Starbirth Delight
Thick, Sweet Batter
Stellar Custard
Stamina Boost Duration 15 seconds
Gooey Honey Puff
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Gooey Butter or Sticky 'Honey'
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Doomed Cream Cake
Wailing Batter
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Wailing Caramel Cake
Wailing Batter
Crunchy Caramel
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
'Apple' Cake of Lost Souls
Wailing Batter
Crab 'Apple'
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Wriggling Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
Choking Monstrosity Cake
Wailing Batter
Cactus Nectar
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cactus Jelly
Cream or Bone Cream
Appalling Jam Sponge
Wailing Batter
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cake of Burning Dread
Wailing Batter
Ever-burning Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cake of Glass
Wailing Batter
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Tortured Honey Cake
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Synthetic Honey
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Itching, Creeping Honey Sponge
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Gooey Butter or Sticky 'Honey'
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cake of Sin
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Crab 'Apple'
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Wriggling Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
Cake of the Lost
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Viscous Custard; Salty Custard; Monstrous Custard; Stellar Custard or Very Thick Custard
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Caramelised Nightmare
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Crunchy Caramel
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Unbound Monstrosity
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Mucal Curiosity
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Ambrosial Curse
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Syrupy Nectar or Butter Syrup
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Squirming Fancy
Writhing, Roiling Batter
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
1% health
Primordial Sponge
Wailing Batter
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
1% health
Gelatinous Sponge
Cake Batter
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
1% health
Nourishing Oozer
Thick, Sweet Batter
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
1% health
Frosted Mire
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
1% health
Nectar Islands
Extra-Fluffy Batter
Syrupy Nectar or Butter Syrup
Jetpack Boost Duration 8 seconds
Cake Of Eternal Sleep
Wailing Batter; Syrupy Batter
Sweetened Mucous; Butter Syrup; Monstrous Custard
1% health
Syrup-Drenched Delight
Thick, Sweet Batter; Cake Batter; Syrupy Batter
Syrupy Nectar; Butter Syrup; Sticky 'Honey'; Gooey Butter
1% health
Nectar Sponge Cake
Syrupy Nectar or Butter Syrup
2% health
Creamy Clouds Of Nectar
Syrupy Batter
Cream or Bone Cream
50% health
Chocolate Oozer
Syrupy Batter
Bittersweet Cocoa
50% health
Syrupy Caramel Slice
Syrupy Batter
Crunchy Caramel
50% health
Ambrosial Wonder
Syrupy Batter
Synthetic Honey
50% health
Candied 'Apples'
Syrupy Batter
Crab 'Apple'; Wriggling Jam
Cream; Bone Cream
50% health
Hybrid Cake
Syrupy Batter
Cactus Jelly; Cactus Nectar
Cream; Bone Cream
50% health
Sponge of Ambrosia
Syrupy Batter
Viscous Custard or Very Thick Custard
50% health
Sweet and Salty Puff
Syrupy Batter
Salty Custard
50% health
Starpollen Surprise
Syrupy Batter
Stellar Custard
50% health
Syrupy Batter
Anomalous Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
50% health
Syrupy Tingler
Syrupy Batter
Ever-burning Jam
Cream or Bone Cream
50% health
Jammy Burster
Syrupy Batter
Grahj'am; Furball Jelly
Cream; Bone Cream
50% health
Splicer's Delight
Syrupy Batter
Sweetened Mucous
Cream or Bone Cream
50% health