No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.

This page fills the role of Embassy for a Civilized space community. The information found here represents a user-created civilization that is a creative addition to the game.

Dathorin Empire
Dathorin Empire
Galaxy Euclid
Quadrant Beta
Region Eigertumu Quadrant
Coordinates 0E90:0080:0689:009E
Portal Glyphs 109E01E8A691109E01E8A691
Founded by PintOfInnocents
Release Waypoint

The Dathorin Empire is a civilized space community.

Summary[ | ]

The Dathorin Empire is a newly established space community, situated in Euclid. The core focus of the Dathorin Empire is expansion, extending the civilizations reach to neighbouring systems through player settlements and bases, although a smaller focus is placed on the documentation and discovery of alien species.

It is located in the Eigertumu Quadrant region of the Euclid galaxy.

Dathorin Emblem

The Dathorin Empire's coat of arms, along with portal glyphs

Mission[ | ]

Our mission is to expand our reach into the galaxy, which can be accomplished by discovering a solar system, and claiming a base or a settlement within it. Once this has been done, your base or settlement becomes the system capital, and you have sovereign control over which type of system yours will be.

Dathorin Capital

The capital of The Dathorin Empire, New Eden

Naming Guidelines[ | ]

Members are encouraged to name planets by simply removing any unnecessary numbers or letters, allowing the name to flow better grammatically. For bases or settlements, should yours be the system capital, you are encouraged to add the prefix "Capital:" to better distinguish such bases. Creatures are also encouraged to be named by those discovering them. All names are permitted, so long as the name in question does not contain profanity.

Joining[ | ]

The glyphs for the Kewell system are listed here: 109E01E8A691109E01E8A691
