No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Interceptor update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 June, 2023.
Deflector Shield
Deflector Shield
Energy shield that protects spacecraft from laser fire, in-flight projectiles and accidental space debris interaction.
Category Starship - Shield
Type Spacecraft Hull Protection
Recharged with Sodium, Sodium Nitrate, Starshield Battery
Updated Interceptor
Disambig01 This article is about the NEXT version of the Deflector Shield. For the Atlas Rises version, see Deflector Shield (Atlas).

Deflector Shield is a shield technology for the starship.

Summary[ | ]

Deflector Shield is the standard means of protecting a starship against enemy fire (no collision damage from space objects like asteroids or space stations). It will prevent enemy shots from making contact with the ship, but will regenerate slowly while not fully charged, necessitating manual recharge with Sodium, Sodium Nitrate or Starshield Battery for meaningful durability extension in combat. If not recharged and permitted to deplete, the shield will drop, leaving the starship vulnerable to critical damage.

Game Description[ | ]

Energy shield that protects spacecraft from laser fire, in-flight projectiles and accidental space debris interaction.

User is advised that catalytic elements are required to recharge device.

Operates automatically once constructed within user's starship inventory.

Crafting[ | ]

Deflector Shield can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Deflector Shield cannot be dismantled.

Upgrades[ | ]

Additional information[ | ]

  • Upgrade bonuses trigger if Deflector Shield is adjacent to Ablative Armour or Deflector Shield Upgrades, indirectly improving the technology by augmenting the effects of its upgrades.

Release history[ | ]

  • Release - Added as a technology.
  • NEXT - Ablative Armour and procedurally generated Deflector Shield Upgrades added, while Sigma/Tau/Theta upgrades removed. No collision damage from space objects (asteroids or space stations). Formerly Heridium and Carite Sheet needed for repair. Previously oxide elements or any Shielding products used for recharging.

Gallery[ | ]
