No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Inehoug Delta Corrupted Landscape at Night

A dissonant swampy planet characterised by numerous clusters of purple crystals.

Dissonant Planet is a type of planet.

Summary[ | ]

Dissonant Planet are planets that constitute the territory of Corrupted Sentinels, which replace regular Sentinels.

The term "dissonant planet" does not refer to a biome, but rather to a characteristic. In fact, any planet, regardless of its biome and climate, can be dissonant. On the other hand, these worlds have a more or less pronounced purple haze and the ubiquitous presence of clusters of purple crystals in common, which add to the unusual ambience.

Locating[ | ]

A dissonant planet can be located via the galactic map. Next to the spectral class of a star, the mention "Dissonant" is sometimes visible, indicating that at least one dissonant planet is in the system, and there may even be several in a single dissonant system.

Once in the system, scanning the planets from space can reveal the presence of the Corrupted Sentinels with the indication "Dissonance Detected".

Characteristic[ | ]

Dissonant planets are characterised by a violet haze and the omnipresence of luminous violet crystals (usually containing Atlantideum and more occasionally Radiant Shards, with a unique variant containing Echo Seeds). These worlds can have any biome and climate, and can be found in any color of star system.

There are a large number of Corrupted Sentinels, both drones and quadrupeds of varying sizes. These Sentinels do not attack on sight, but only in the event of an attack on them or in the event of resource extraction in their presence.

Such planets are also home to Gravitino Balls, as well as strange machines like the Dissonance Resonators, which are monitored and protected by several Corrupted Sentinels.

In terms of climate, corrupted planets have the standard biome climate, with an exception: Some storms on lush planets are replaced by gravity storms. This is indicated by purple particles floating upwards from the planet surface.

Points of Interest[ | ]

Corrupted planets have three specific types of points of interest:

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
