No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Expeditions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 1 June, 2021.
NmsMisc Distance

Distance is a measurements page.

Summary[ | ]

Distance measurements in No Man's Sky uses several different units.

Unit u[ | ]

  • u is the most common unit.
    • It is given in integer values and generally used on planets for distances smaller than 1,250u.
    • On planets, distances greater than 1,250u are converted to representation by estimated travel time in real-time, with about 5 minutes (walking on foot) to every 1,250u, or about 250u to 1 real-time minute (about 1 in-game hour).
    • On spaceship panels, planetary distances between 2,000u and 1 million u are given in u; planetary distances smaller than 2,000 are not displayed, with the planet's coordinates shown instead.
    • Players may directly access starship inventory when within 50u of their starships; this is increased to 150u if the Teleport Receiver is installed.
    • Distance travelled by the player on foot are tracked by the On-foot Exploration milestone, with one trophy awarded each at 40,000u and 100,000'u'.
    • It is not known how this unit is related to the real-life metric system.
      • Considering that in-game time is approximately 1 minute to every 1 second of real-time, and human walking speed is approximately 250u per in-game hour (where it is about 9km/hr in real time), this gives an estimate of about 36 metres to every u.
      • On the other hand, rovers travel up to about 20u per 1 second of real-time, giving a speed of 20u/min or 1200u/hour. Taking an gauge of about 150-200 km/h from maximum car speeds yield an estimated range of about 125 to 170 metres per u.
      • However, the player's height is 2.1u (as any non Gek race), so it may also be 1 metre, as space faring civilization would have grown taller due to low gravity.

Unit ks[ | ]

  • ks is used during intra-system space travel.
    • It is approximately equal to 1,000u, but only used for distances greater than 1 million u (or 1,000 ks).

Unit LY[ | ]
