No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Omega update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 26 March, 2024.
Doriguc VII
Doriguc VII
Galaxy Euclid
Region Sea of Ulomovi
Colour Yellow
Spectral class G2p
Distance to centre 717,414 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 0853:0081:00FF:0062
System ID 98
Planet(s) 5
Moon(s) 0
Waterworld Yes
Faction Korvax
Economy Construction
E-Sell 65
E-Buy -16.1
Wealth Flourishing
Conflict level Stable
Claimed by Shared Community
Discovered by Hello Games
Game Mode Normal
Updated Omega

Doriguc VII is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

Doriguc VII is a yellow star system in the Sea of Ulomovi region.

The Korvax faction inhabits this system. The system economy is primarily construction. The economic conditions are flourishing. The system is notable as it hosted the starting point for the Expedition 12: Omega.

The star system is estimated to be 10.1 billion years old.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Doriguc VII
Current: Doriguc VII

Discovery[ | ]

By PC explorer Hello Games. There is a claim documented by Shared Community.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

This system has 5 planets and 0 moons. The following are present in the system:

Starships[ | ]

''No documented starships found at these coordinates.''

Multi-Tools[ | ]

''No documented Multi-Tools found at these coordinates.''

Location Information[ | ]

It is located in the Sea of Ulomovi region. It is estimated to be 717,414 light years from the galactic centre of the Euclid galaxy.





Navigation Images[ | ]

Doriguc VII-(OM)-sys-nav

Interstellar Distances[ | ]

Space Station[ | ]

The following Trade Commodities are found at the Galactic Trade Terminal:

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Documented based on site surveys during 24-Feb-2024.
  • Survey research contributed by the CELAB Galactic Industries research team.
  • Most recent surveyor on record: celab99
  • Documented Base Count: 0

Gallery[ | ]
