No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Atlas Rises update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 23 July, 2018.

The subject of this article is from a previous version of No Man's Sky and is now considered obsolete.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorised.
Electron Vapour
Electron Vapour
Captured cloud of ionised electrons.
Category Component
Type Technology component
Total Value 4,950 Units
Updated Atlas Rises

Electron Vapour is a product.

Summary[ | ]

Electron Vapour is a Product used in the Crafting of various Technologies.

It is the second-to-last ingredient needed to craft a Warp Cell, and is needed to craft Antimatter. It can be crafted in your inventory or found in "Search" boxes.

The British spelling of this phrase is used in the wiki.

In-game description[ | ]

Captured cloud of ionised electrons. A fundamental component of many technologies, and often used in the creation of antimatter.

Craft[ | ]

Electron Vapour cannot be crafted.

Original formula:

Product.element.base1 Suspension Fluid x1 + Substance.fuel.rare1 Plutonium x100 → Product.element.gel2 Electron Vapour

Use[ | ]

Electron Vapour is an obsolete item and no longer has a purpose in the game.

Release history[ | ]

  • Release - component of the original release
  • NEXT - removed from game

Gallery[ | ]
