No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Interceptor update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 June, 2023.
Emergency Signal Scanner
Emergency Signal Scanner
Category Consumable
Type Coordinate Data
Total Value 3,280.0 Units
Updated Interceptor

Emergency Signal Scanner is a consumable product.

Summary[ | ]

Emergency Signal Scanner is a consumable product specifically used to detect derelict freighters.

They are considered an expensive item and prices may escalate in accordance with demand. Prices start from 5M Units, increase to 30M Units and reset each day.

Game description[ | ]

A single-use receiver that scans for distress signals on freighter frequencies. Derelict or abandoned freighters often contain high-value salvage.

Select the Receiver and use Tune Signal (X/Xbox; 'E'/PC or PSBUTTON.SQUARE/PS4) to begin the location process.

Source[ | ]

Additional information[ | ]

  • After activation, you need to travel via pulse drive in any direction to detect a derelict freighter.
  • If standard exosuit inventory is full and more than one scanner is owned, activation will fail as "Receiver Temporarily Jammed"; one slot must be clear for a scanner to convert to the "active" form.
  • If the scanner is placed in the Personal Refiner, it will not be consumed upon opening the airlock and will become inactive upon completion of the derelict.

Release history[ | ]

  • Desolation - This item was added to the game as technology.
  • Waypoint - Renamed, formerly "Emergency Broadcast Receiver".
  • Waypoint - Iteration: Helios no longer offers a free Emergency Signal Scanner each week.
  • Update 4.25 - Iteration: Helios offers a free Emergency Signal Scanner each week again.

Gallery[ | ]
