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The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
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Expedition Reward Patch/Decal

Expedition 14: Liquidators describes the fourteenth expedition in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

This page documents the fourteenth expedition of No Man's Sky, called Liquidators. It began on 24th of July 2024, nine days after the end of the thirteenth expedition.

Gameplay[ | ]

Liquidators is focused primarily on liquidating biological horrors, sentinels and spawnings of the Vile Brood.

Each Traveller will begin their journey on the Lush planet Eardog Sigma in the Angyuan-Raha XIX system. The player's main goal is to reach various dropzones and exterminate Vile Brood nests.

The starting starship is a random C-Class hauler with 25+13 slots loaded with 2x Starship Launch Fuel, Unstable Gel, and Repair Kit.

In addition to the blueprints known at the beginning of normal mode, the player also knows the following blueprints:

The starting Multi-tool in Expedition 14 is a random C-class Sentinel with 21 slots and equipped with Paralysis Mortar, Scatter Blaster with 2 upgrade modules, Shell Greaser, Terrain Manipulator, and Combat Scope.

The Exosuit is initially equipped with a few upgrade modules for Movement and Shield subsystems, and loaded with 2 Ion Batteries, Life Support Gel, 2500 Projectile Ammunition. The initial avatar appearance is randomly-generated.

Milestones & Rewards[ | ]

Achieving each milestone results in substantial rewards in the form of Expedition Patches, Items, Blueprints, Exosuit, Starship Upgrades, Units, and Nanites.

Phase 1[ | ]

No Badge Milestone Requirement Reward Remarks
1 PATCH.BUILDING1 All Guns Blazing Locate your starship
2 PATCH.SPOOKY.LEAVEPLANET Dust Off Leave the planet
3 PATCH.SPOOKY.LEAVESYSTEM Acceleration Warp to a new system
4 PATCH.SPOOKY.FIENDEGG Exterminator Kill 16 biological horrors
5 PATCH.SPOOKY.PARTY.1 Dropzone One Reach the first dropzone

(Speak with the terminal in the Transmission Tower at latitude/longitude (-67.09, +116.75) on planet Rahype Omega in the Iawshea-Yook system)
6 PATCH.BUG1 Infestation Alpha Purge the first site

(Speak with the terminal in the Abandoned Building at latitude/longitude (-62.84, +21.82) on the same planet)
(For reference only; infestation locations may differ by player)
7 PATCH.KILLFIRE1 Purged By Fire: 1 Do your part for the Liquidators Optional milestone
8 PATCH.MILESTONECORRUPT.1 Phase 1 Complete all milestones in Phase 1
  • Poster set plans

Phase 2[ | ]

  • Dropzone two: (Speak with the terminal in the Transmission Tower at latitude/longitude (-50.92, +4.72) on planet Riol III in the Nuuraya system)
  • Infestation Beta: (Speak with the terminal in the Abandoned Building at latitude/longitude (-19.41, +2.54) on the same planet)

Phase 3[ | ]

  • Dropzone three: (Speak with the terminal in the Transmission Tower at latitude/longitude (-20.79, -84.97) on planet Ubun 93/M7 in the Rudoin-Blosa system)
  • Infestation 3: (Speak with the terminal in the Abandoned Building at latitude/longitude (+18.68, +53.36) on the same planet)

Phase 4[ | ]

  • Dropzone four: (Speak with the terminal in the Transmission Tower at latitude/longitude (+57.80, -22.69) on planet Azuzuma F38 in the Uooyiiji system)
  • Infestation 4: (Speak with the terminal in the Abandoned Building at latitude/longitude (-0.79, +18.30) on the same planet)

Phase 5[ | ]

  • Dropzone five: (Speak with the terminal in the Transmission Tower at latitude/longitude (-19.07, +110.84) on planet Wednaean H8 in the Taotie system)
  • Infestation Omega: (Speak with the terminal in the Abandoned Building at latitude/longitude (+3.34, +146.90) on the same planet)
    (Specific coordinates may differ by player)
  • Swarmsong: (Speak with the terminal in the Abandoned Building at latitude/longitude (+2.48, +147.64) on the same planet)

Final Phase[ | ]

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Initial Set Up Sample[ | ]

Phase 1[ | ]

Phase 2[ | ]

Phase 3[ | ]

Phase 4[ | ]

Phase 5[ | ]

Navigator[ | ]
