No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Outlaws update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 19 July, 2022.

Expedition Reward Patch/Decal

Expedition 7: Leviathan describes the 7th expedition in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

This page documents the 7th community expedition of No Man's Sky, called Leviathan. It began on 25 May 2022, and is set to end on 5 July 2022.

Expedition Background[ | ]

Leviathan traps players inside a time loop, and offers a taste of roguelike gameplay. Difficulty is tuned to survival-mode settings, and every death means a reset of the loop (where players restart at the beginning of the expedition with all inventory reset). As players explore the loop, they will recover Memory Fragments: lost remnants of previous loops manifested as procedurally generated technology.

To ease the progress, players may collaborate with each other, as well as provide help to Specialist Polo as they research the loop’s peculiar manifestations. The more Travellers that participate in the research, the stronger the Memory Fragments become, manifesting in better upgrades, more inventory space, and stronger Multi-Tools and starships.

Shattered memories all point towards an encounter with an ancient space creature: The Leviathan.

Gameplay[ | ]

Each player will start on the Scorched planet Christole Oich, approximately 300–600u away from their crashed starship, located at a random POI. The starting starship is a random solar with 11+9+3 slots.

The starting Multi-tool is a random 9-slot rifle with installed Scanner, Analysis Visor, and a broken Terrain Manipulator.

Both Starship and Multi-tool class reflects the global progress of searching Universal Loop. After Memory Fragments are upgraded to X-class, Starship and Multi-tool remain S-class.

The Exosuit has 18+8+0 slots loaded with a Save Point, a Portable Refiner, 5x Ion Battery, and a Memory Fragment (Exosuit). The initial avatar appearance is randomly-generated.

The player also owns a C-class Freighter with 16+8 slots which does not have installed Hyperdrive, and it does not seem it is possible to install one.

The player begins the game with the following blueprints already known:

All Blueprints and Upgrade Modules in this expedition are prohibitevely expensive, and many blueprints are "lost", so players will have to rely on awarded Memory Fragments and X-Class upgrade modules purchased in pirate-controlled systems as Suspicious Packet (Technology) and Suspicious Packet (Weaponry). All X-Class upgrade modules in this expedition will have stats higher than equivalent S-class modules. Crashed Ships are also a good source of blueprints.

Tasks & Rewards[ | ]

Iteration 1[ | ]

No Badge Task Requirement Rewards Remarks
1 PATCH.MEMORY Remembrance
Received a gift from the past
Absorb your first memory fragment
2 PATCH.FIRSTPLANET2 A New Beginning? Locate your starship
3 PATCH.TIMECYCLE Observing the Cycle
Begin to understand
Talk to Specialist Polo about your past memories
4 PATCH.DIE Iterate / Repeat
Rise from the ashes
Die This should be attempted as early in the expedition as possible, as death permanently resets progress and inventory (though it grants this milestone), and the Base Computer is needed to complete Iteration 2 milestone (The Anchor).
5 PATCH.COMMUNITYLOOP Bounds Testing Provide Polo with raw materials to assist in loop research Acceptable items are either 250 Liquid Sun, 200 Ancestral Memories, or 100 Somnal Dust, each stack considered a set; just one set will suffice. Five sets are needed in the Iteration 5 milestone Partners in Time.
6 PATCH.PARTY.1 Anchor Point 1 Reach the first anchor point
  • Memory Resonator plans
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Inventory)
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Exosuit)
Reach the Portal at latitude/longitude -56.83, +11.13 on planet Ennect in star system Cebrac-Eliwyn
7 PATCH.TRAVELLER1 Wake the past
Faced the future
Reach the first loop via the Memory Resonator
8 PATCH.TIMELOOP1 (Optional) Loop 1: Cycle Observed Complete the first universal loop
  • All Memory Fragments upgraded to B-class
  • 2x Memory Fragments (Inventory)
Optional milestone; completion is based on global progression of this expedition.
9 PATCH.NEONMILESTONE.1 Iteration 1 Complete all 7 mandatory Iteration 1 tasks
  • Leviathan Poster plans
  • The Loop Poster plans
  • Timesplice Poster plans

Iteration 2[ | ]

No Badge Task Requirement Rewards Remarks
10 PATCH.PARTY.2 Anchor Point 2 Reach the second anchor point
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Inventory)
Reach the Portal at latitude/longitude +19.42, +56.57 on planet Alecapae Beta in star system Romestovot
11 PATCH.TRAVELLER2 To Crave the Stars Reach the second loop via the Memory Resonator Location at a random Traveller Grave on Alecapae Beta; can be found by activating the Memory Resonator in (Anchor 2 star system)
12 PATCH.THEANCHOR The Anchor Establish a base on an infested planet
13 PATCH.LEARN.GEK1 Universal Language Learn 3 words of each alien language
Befriend an aggressive creature
Adopt a Predatory creature as a companion
15 PATCH.CRASHFREIGHTER1 Fallen Giants Explore a freighter crash site
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Armament)
16 PATCH.TIMELOOP2 (Optional) Loop 2: Perpetuity Complete the second universal loop
  • All Memory Fragments upgraded to A-class
  • 2x Memory Fragments (Inventory)
Optional milestone; completion is based on global progression of this expedition.
17 PATCH.NEONMILESTONE.2 Iteration 2 Complete all 6 mandatory Iteration 2 tasks
  • Temporal Starship Trail customisation

Iteration 3[ | ]

No Badge Task Requirement Rewards Remarks
18 PATCH.PARTY.3 Anchor Point 3 Reach the third anchor point
  • 2x Memory Fragments (Exocraft)
  • Memory Fragment (Inventory)
Reach the Portal at latitude/longitude -12.51, -164.06 on planet Rora 15/J5 in star system Uffanymo III
Feel their thirst
Reach the third loop via the Memory Resonator
  • Memory Fragment plans
  • Memory Imprint III
20 PATCH.WHISPERINGEGGS Call of the Void Steal 10 Whispering Eggs
21 PATCH.STORMCRYSTALS Calcified Echoes Collect 5 Storm Crystals
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Exosuit)
  • 2x Memory Fragment
22 PATCH.MEMORYFRAGMENT Self Improvement Summon a Memory Fragment Create and absorb a Memory Fragment following the blueprint given in the Obsession milestone
23 PATCH.EARNCURRENCY1 Taking It With You Earn 1,000,000 Units
24 PATCH.TIMELOOP3 (Optional) Loop 3: Recursion Complete the third universal loop
  • All Memory Fragments upgraded to S-class
  • 2x Memory Fragments (Inventory)
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Exosuit)
Optional milestone; completion is based on global progression of this expedition.
25 PATCH.NEONMILESTONE.3 Iteration 3 Complete all 6 mandatory Iteration 3 tasks
  • Whalestalker Cloak customisation

Iteration 4[ | ]

No Badge Task Requirement Rewards Remarks
26 PATCH.PARTY.4 Anchor Point 4 Reach the fourth anchor point
  • 2x Memory Fragment
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
Reach the Portal at latitude/longitude -45.66, -157.51 on planet Haumeadl M26 in system Chistor-Olev XIII
Witness their folly
Reach the fourth loop via the Memory Resonator
  • Memory Imprint IV
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Armament)
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
28 PATCH.SMUGGLING Hot Pursuit Smuggle 500,000 units worth of Contraband Units are counted upon selling of the goods. Contraband goods can be bought from black markets in Pirate-controlled systems; NipNip Buds is also considered contraband.
29 PATCH.SENTINELS1 Banished Glass Shut down a planet's sentinel forces
  • 5x Salvaged Glass
  • Memory Fragment (Inventory)
  • 2x Memory Fragment (Armament)
Can be done by disabling sentinels at a Sentinel Pillar console.
30 PATCH.SENTINELDESTROY Pugneum Dreams Eliminate 20 Sentinels
  • Sentinel Boundary Map
  • 2x Memory Fragments (Armament)
  • 4x Memory Fragment (Exocraft)
31 PATCH.NANITES1 Cluster Horde Earn 2,000 Nanites
32 PATCH.TIMELOOP4 (Optional) Loop 4: A Way Out? Complete the fourth universal loop
  • All Memory Fragments upgraded to X-class
  • 3x Memory Fragment
Optional milestone; completion is based on global progression of this expedition.
33 PATCH.NEONMILESTONE.4 Iteration 4 Complete all 6 mandatory Iteration 4 tasks
  • Organic Frigate Calf plans

Iteration 5[ | ]

No Badge Task Requirement Rewards Remarks
34 PATCH.PARTY.5 Anchor Point 5 Reach the fifth anchor point Reach the Portal at latitude/longitude +7.03, +20.67 on planet Kaok 84/O4 in system Sophis
35 PATCH.TRAVELLER5 Another Chance
Confront their past
Reach the fifth loop via the Memory Resonator
36 PATCH.TIMEPARTNERS Partners in Time Provide Polo with raw materials to assist in loop research Acceptable items are either 250 Liquid Sun, 200 Ancestral Memories, or 100 Somnal Dust, each stack considered a set; five sets are needed. The first set used to complete Iteration 1 milestone Bounds Testing is included in the count.
37 PATCH.FREIGHTER A Shattered Past
Remember an old song
Fully explore the Derelict Freighter The milestone title and requirements are encrypted in garbled text until the completion of the Another Chance milestone.
38 PATCH.SPACEWHALEMUSIC The Siren Assemble the Whalesong Flute Encrypted until the completion of A Shattered Past.
End the loop
End the loop through an encounter with the Leviathan Encrypted until the completion of The Siren. The encounter with the Leviathan will kill the player (as it grants the milestone), but will respawn them near their starship and will not reset their progress or inventory. If the encounter happens in Sophis, respawn will occur on Kasmajo Alpha at latitude/longitude +14.33, +43.86.
40 PATCH.TIMELOOP5 (Optional) Loop 5: Unbound Complete the final universal loop
  • Memory Fragment (Inventory)
  • 4x Memory Fragment
Optional milestone; completion is based on global progression of this expedition.
41 PATCH.NEONMILESTONE.5 Iteration 5 Complete all 6 mandatory Iteration 5 tasks
  • Title: 'Looper' customisation
  • Leviathan Expedition Decal plans
  • Leviathan Expedition Banner customisation
42 PATCH.EXPEDITION.7 Expedition #7 Complete every expedition phase

Gallery[ | ]

Initial Set-Up Sample[ | ]

Iteration 1[ | ]

Iteration 2[ | ]

Iteration 3[ | ]

Iteration 4[ | ]

Iteration 5[ | ]
