No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Falcon of the Saganei
Falcon of the Saganei
Galaxy Nepitzaspru
Region Hulayshe Sector
Star system Gaokama-LU
Location Space station
System economy Alchemical
Galactic coords 07FB:0086:0800:002F
Portal glyphs 102F07001FFC102F07001FFC
Type Exotic
Style Squid
Class S
Inventory Small
Slots 53
Tech Slots 25
Cargo 28
Cost 33,500,000 Units
Claimed by The Luminumbra Collective
Discovered by therealmortaine
Game Mode Normal
Release Waypoint
Class S Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
353.4 280.2 181.8 491.1

Falcon of the Saganei is a starship.

Summary[ | ]

Falcon of the Saganei is an Exotic-type starship.

Appearance[ | ]

This starship appears as a white "squid" shape, with black organic-looking stripes on the top.

Location[ | ]

An S-class version of this starship was discovered in the Gaokama-LU system, located in the Hulayshe Sector.

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
