No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Adrift update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 July, 2024.
Federation Emblem 2

The Federation Vexillology Department is a department of the UFT.

Summary[ | ]

The Federation Vexillology Department (FVD) is a department of the United Federation of Travelers created for the purpose of recording which color and pattern combinations of in-game flags and banners correspond with certain civilized space zones.

The goal of the FVD is to provide another aspect of shared civilized space identity: all players of a civilization could fly their civilization's flag at their base, for example.

Some civilizations also have player-designed flags, although most only have emblems. The FVD strictly records in-game flags and banners, not player-designed flags and emblems.

Procedure: Insert an image with the selected combination. The Federation takes care of the screenshot at the specified location and exchanges the image. See also Rules / Terms of Use.

Flag Gallery[ | ]

Only civilized space zones that have updated their embassy page since Expeditions are considered.

United Federation of Travelers[ | ]

Other zones[ | ]

Color Palette[ | ]


Rules / Terms of Use[ | ]

  • Use of the FVD as the basis for hostile territorial endeavors is basis for potential removal of your civilization's access to the FVD, at the discretion of any Federation Ambassador.
  • A given color-and-pattern combination for a flag or banner can only correspond with a single civilization. Civilizations with older edits will be favored in the case of multiple claims on a single flag combination. Civilizations which are inactive enough to be removed from the Civilized space page may have their flags removed.
  • You do not need to use the same colors for both the flag and banner.
  • Your civilization does not need to be a Federation-allied civilization to register in the FVD.
  • When registering for the FVD, it is your responsibility to make sure your chosen color/pattern combination has not already been claimed. The FVD is managed by all Federation Ambassadors, but no single person has the specific responsibility of managing this page; it's mostly a community page.
  • Please include both the flag and banner in a single image.