No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Endurance update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 October, 2022.
Foraged Mushrooms
Foraged Mushrooms
Category Consumable
Type Raw Ingredient
Total Value 3,200.0 Units
Updated Endurance

Foraged Mushrooms is a consumable.

Summary[ | ]

Foraged Mushrooms is a consumable and one of the Raw Ingredients.

Game description[ | ]

An animal byproduct, this nutritious morsel can be easily farmed without harm to the animal that produces it.

Process in a Nutrient Processor to generate edible products.

Use[ | ]

Gives 20% Energy Boost when consumed.

Source[ | ]

This ingredient is an Animal Byproduct that can be sourced from turtle- or mole-like creatures (Talpidae) when fed Creature Pellets. Such creatures cannot be fed and harvested from manually, so an automated feeding/harvesting setup must be used to acquire Foraged Mushrooms.

Recipes[ | ]

Foraged Mushrooms is used as an ingredient for cooking the following products using a Nutrient Processor:

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
