No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Aquarius update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 October, 2024.
Forbidden Multi-Tool Module
Forbidden Multi-Tool Module
Category Multi-Tool
Type Procedural Upgrade
Updated Aquarius

Forbidden Multi-Tool Module is an upgrade module.

Summary[ | ]

Forbidden Multi-Tool Module, contained within Sentinel Weapons Shards, are procedurally generated upgrades granting various bonuses to your multi-tool.

Upgrade Properties[ | ]

Forbidden Multi-Tool Modules can grant two to a maximum of three of the following bonuses, which apply only to the Boltcaster:

  • Upgradecat.damageDamage: increases the damage of each shot.
  • UPGRADECAT.SPEEDFire Rate: decreases the time between each shot in a single burst.
  • Upgradecat.timeReload Time: decreases the time to reload a new clip.

Upgrade Modules[ | ]

Stats Drawn Module
Minimum Maximum
Forbidden Multi-Tool
2-3 Damage +1% +2%
Fire Rate +1% +20%
Reload Time -1% -15%

Up to three Forbidden Multi-Tool Modules can be installed in each multi-tool. Installing four or more upgrades of the same type will disable all upgrades of that type until the upgrade count is reduced to three or less.

Crafting[ | ]

Forbidden Multi-Tool Modules can only be obtained from opening Sentinel Weapons Shards.

Forbidden Multi-Tool Module can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Forbidden Multi-Tool Module can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Installing[ | ]

Upgrade modules follow a static progression. The generation seed is used for all module families at the same time. During module installations it goes up by one. The new module they change into correlates to their order of installation. If the game is reloaded, the exact same pool will be offered to the player, no matter the order they install other modules.

Example: If an S-class module had 200 ly Hyperdrive Range bonus on the third installation no matter in what order the former modules are installed or their class, if the same S-class module is used third again, it will once again be the 200 ly bonus module even if the name changes. Only if used second or fourth the module stat may change.

Discovered Upgrade Modules[ | ]

ID value can be established by using NMSSaveEditor, and this is the "seed" that determines what bonuses this upgrade will provide. Please note that ID values from the Forbidden Multi-Tool Modules are not interchangeable with those of other upgrades and have their own seed tree.

CLASSMINI.SENTINEL Forbidden Multi-tool Modules
Prefix Suffix Damage Fire Rate Reload Time ID Screenshot
Crimson Atomiser +2% +20% -15% 05214 -
Glassy Polariser +2% +20% -15% 70321 -
Impossible Mirror +2% +20% -2% 77292 -
Haunted Capacitor +2% +19% -2% 58509 -
Relinquished Capacitor +2% +19% - 60317 -
Relinquished Obliterator +2% +14% -10% 19882 -
Forsaken Filament +1% +20% -13% 11170 -
Haunted Injector +1% +18% -14% 64892 -
Glassy Atomiser +1% +16% -15% 10044 -
Non-compliant Polariser +1% +20% -2% 30467 -
Watery Splitter +1% +19% -11% 40208 -
Anomalous Capacitor +1% +20% - 91806 -
Polymorphous Neutraliser +1% +12% -15% 94623 -
Non-compliant De-limiter +1% +6% -15% 83372 -
Relinquished Atomiser +2% +20% -15% 68654 -
Glassy Injector +1% +6% - 59781 -
Non-Compliant Gravitiser +1% +11% -5% 67431 -
Rescued Polariser +2% +10% - 03202 -
Nanite-Marked Dynamo +1% - -4% 90614 -
Haunted Resonator +1% +2% - 91511 -
Haunted Atomiser +1% +3% - 53330 -
Glassy Atomiser +1% - -4% 60816 -
Aeronic Dynamo +1% - -15% 55412 -
Anointed Injector - +8% -2% 98915 -
Salvaged Furnace +1% +20% - 33608 -
Released Mirror +1% +16% -% 27046 -
Non-compliant Neutraliser +1% - -3% 81192 -
Extinguished Boundary Hunter +1% +2% -2% 26279 -
Impossible Filament +1% - -4% 19283 -
Salvaged Atomiser +1% +15% -3% 25821 -
Forsaken Refractor +1% +6% - 07991 -
Aeronic Capacitor +1% +7% - 24355 -
Polymorphos De-limiter +2% +20% -15% 02202 -
Released Annihilator - +4% -2% 39618 -
Forsaken Obliterator +1% +16% -2% 34251 -
Anomalous Obliterator +1% - -2% 50926 -
Glassy Polariser - +20% -4% 84820 -
Glassy De-limiter +1% +2% -2% 02818 -
Impossible Gravitiser - +2% -2% 51830 -
Polymorphous Filament +1% - -4% 24777 -
Aeronic Boundary Hunter +1% +8% - 22317 -
Aeronic Polariser +1% - -14% 27077 -
Extinguished Boundary Hunter - +6% -2% 70836 -
Non-Compliant Oscilator - +12% -1% 89941 -
Glassy Annihilator - +5% -2% 04135 -
Nanite-Marked Accelerator - +2% -1% 26845 -
Rescued Filament +1% +16% -2% 59221 -
Haunted Boundary Hunter +1% +2% - 07512 -
Anointed Boundary Hunter +2% +20% -14% 32700 -
Anomalous Boundary Hunter +2% +19% -14% 49723 -
Watery Accelerator +2% +19% -2% 15867 -

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Upgrade bonuses trigger for Forbidden Multi-Tool Modules and/or Boltcaster Upgrades if and only if they have common stats they share in adjacency such as Fire Rate bonuses. This does not, however, apply adjacency bonuses to other upgrades such as the Pulse Spitter and its upgrades or the Scatter Blaster and its upgrades, and nor do the stat bonuses - they exclusively affect the Boltcaster.
  • The game files list the maximum amount of drawn stats as four, despite there only being three possible stats.

Release History[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
